S-100 Boards
New Boards
Boards For Sale
Other Web Sites
Here is an index to the main sections of S100Computers.com:-
This web sites home page.
S-100 Boards
This will be a growing list of S-100 boards with pictures and information about them.
A brief history of Microprocessors and S-100 Computers
S-100 Bus Pins
The IEEE S-100 Bus Pin Designations and Board Layout
IO Ports Map
List of common IO ports used with S100 Computers Boards
New Boards
An ongoing documentary of new S-100 Boards
S100 Board debugging for beginners
IDE to Hard Disk Controller Board
S100 Box and Power Supply
IBM PC keyboard to ASCII S-100 Converter board
4 Megabyte S-100 Static RAM Board
S-100 Bus System Monitor Board
Interrupt Controller and Clock/Calendar board
S-100 Bus Extender Board
S-100 Bus Prototype Board
Serial I/O Board (with Speech Chip Synthesis and USB Port)
Z80 CPU Board
ZFDC Board (A Z80 based FDC board utilizing the Western Digital 2793)
A Floppy Disk Drive Box
A Propeller Driven Console IO board.
8086 CPU Board
68000/68010 CPU Board
A MS-DOS Hardware Support S100 Board
6502 CPU Board
8088 Master/Slave CPU Board
80286 CPU Board
LAVA-10 SVGA Video Board
80386 CPU Board
S100 Bus Terminator & Prototype Board
MSX Compatible VDP Video Board
IBM-PC ISA bus to S-100 bus converter board
Parallel Ports I/O Board
V2 - Z80 Master/Slave CPU Board
V2 - 80286 Master/Slave CPU Board
V2 - MSDOS Support Board
V3 - MSDOS Support Board
16MB Static RAM Board
V2 - System Monitor Board
V2 - Version of EPROM/RAM
8 MB Static RAM Board (for 80386 board)
32 MB Static RAM Board (for 80386 board)
8080A CPU Board
S100 Bus Front Panel Control Board
V6 - 16 MB Static RAM Board
S100 Bus 8 Bit VGA Video Board
V2 - 80386 CPU Board
MEM8Plus Board
Z80 SBC Board
OPL3 Game/Serial Board
Introduction to the 8MB Mezzanine RAM mini-Boards
80486 CPU Board
Edison CPU Board
Mini Buffered Prototype Board
S100 Bus 16 Bit VGA Board
Dazzler II Board
Digital PDP-11 CPU Board
Edison II CPU Board
68030 CPU Board
Digital PDP11 CPU Board
V2 Digital PDP-11 CPU Board
Digital PDP-11 Support Board
Edison-TXB0108 Adaptor board
(Under Construction)
S100 Bus Display Board
Arduino 328 2560 CPU Board
FPGA Board
V1 FPGA Board Examples
V2 FPGA Board
V2 FPGA Board Examples
FPGA 80286 SBC
FPGA Disk Controller
9511 Math Processor Board
Super IO Board
Raspberry Pi Zero CPU Board
Super IO Board II
Z180 SBC
FPGA 80486 SBC
3P+2S IO Board
ual SD Card Board
This will be an on going collection of S-100 computers related software
6502 Monitor
68000 Monitor
80386 Monitor
8086 Monitor
Z80 Monitor
8080 Monitor
Altair Simmulator
CPM Assemblers
Common Assembly Language Routines
CPM3 BIOS Installation
CPM86 BIOS Installation
SD Systems IO8 Serial Board Software
SD Systems Versafloppy II Software
GAL's and PALASM Programming
CPLD's and WinCUPL Programming
FPGA and Quartus Programming
Bringing up MSDOS in an S100 bus system
PDP-11 Monitor
S100 Bus data paths
S100 Bus Master/Slave control
PDP11 Software
Bringing Up CPM68K For the first time
FPGA_DC Board Software
Boards For Sale
New boards that are available.
Notes about KiCAD
A brief description of KiCAD
Links to some relevent S-100 bus forums
Types Of S100 Users
There are at least 3 different type of S100 bus users.
S100Computers Port Assignments
S100Computers Port Assignments
A list of people that have contributed to the information on this web site.
Other Web Sites
A list of some other web sites I found very helpful
News related to S-100 Computers (meetings, events etc.)
Past Board Orders
A list of past boards shipped out to users.
This page was last modified on 02/13/2025