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SD SYSTEMS   I/O8 Serial IO Board
This was a very late (1983) - and now relatively rare SD System board. It was  a serial I/O board ideally suited for a multiuser system with serial ports. It ran at high speed and had outstanding configurability.

SD Systems IO8 Board

The I/O-8 was an Zilog 8530/8531 serial communications controller based interface board which fully complied with the IEEE-696 specification for the S-100 bus. The I/0-8 board was designed to provide serial communication capability from an S-100 computer to various Data Communications Equipment (DCE) or Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). RS-232 signal levels were handled by MC1488 and MC1489's.

The following is a list of technical references applicable to the I/0-8:
IEEE-696 Bus Specification
8530 SCC Product Specification (Zilog)
8531 ASCC Product Specification (Zilog)
58167A RTC Product Specification (National)
EIA-RS-232C Specification

Board Features Include:-

1. Serial Ports
    4 ports asynchronous DTE/DCE
    4 ports synchronous/asynchronous DTE/DCE
    8 I/O ports are addressable to any 8 port boundary in 64K
2. Baud Rate
    Each channel software selectable, full duplex 50 to 19,200 in asynchronous mode using x16 internal clock
    Up to 1Mbit/sec in synchronous mode using external clock
    Up to 307,200 in synchronous mode using xl on board internal clock (2.4576 MHZ)

3. Data Bits
    5,6,7, or 8 data bits/character
    Stop bits -I, 1.5, 2
    Clock rate -xl, xl6, x32, x64
    Parity -odd, even, or none
    Error detection -parity, overrun, CRC or framing
    Data encoding -NRZ, NRZI, FMI, FMO

4. Interrupts
    Receiver ready
    All receive characters
    Special receive condition (parity error, framing error, overrun error, and end of frame in SDLC)

5. Real Time Clock (RTC) With Battery Backup

6. Software Programmable Interrupt Rates

7. Standby Interrupt While Powered Down

8. Millisecond Through Month Counters

9. User Readable Switch

The real time clock (a 58167A) had software programmable interrupt rates, battery backup and 56 bits of RAM and various clock counters. A software example was given for a CP/M 3 time clock. The backup RAM was used with the onboard battery to store the time on power down.  The clock could keep accurate time in this way for up to 6 months.  

One nice thing about the board was it only used 8 I/O ports which could be any 8 byte boundary in the 64K I/O space of the S-100 bus.  Any one 8530 is addressed via an onboard control port. Once selected, 4 ports control and get data from that selected 8530.   The RTC address select register used one port along with a port to read the data.  The readable switch also used a port. SD Systems in all their examples use ports A0H - A7H.
The manual for this very useful board can be obtained here.


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This page was last modified on 10/25/2013