S100 Computers

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Zoom Group MeetingS & Database
The S100 Computers Google Group members have Zoom meetings (typically the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 4PM PST).
You must be a member of the group (see here) to receive an invitation to attend and/or participate.

The sessions include:- 
A show and tell of old and new S100 boards and peoples systems
Hardware and software problems looking for suggestions.
Boards/chips people are looking for or wish to part with.
Future S100 Boards or software to consider building

Members can also access a database of fellow members describing their systems etc.
If you wish to join contact me at monahan AT vitasoft DOT org

Zoom Viewing Login Area

Login name
Password sent to you directly to view Zoom sessions

S-100 Computers Related Forums

Google Groups: S100Computers
This iby far the most relevant forum to ask questions or get help for S100 bus related issues.


Vintage Computers (S100 Section)

This is another excellent forum to ask questions or get help for S100 bus related issues.

RetroBrew Computer Forum
This is another excellent forum to ask questions or get help for S100 bus related issues.

Facebook S100 Enthusiasts

This is a well attended Facebook forum for S100 Computers Enthusiasts.

Google Groups: N8VEM-S100.
This was an early forum setup by Andrew Lynch which discussed many topics about S100 and other computer boards.  This forum is unfortunately no longer active. It contained much valuable information however. Thanks to the work of Andrew Bingham it has been collected and is now stored on the S100Computers web site here. Please note this is a large database, access may be slow.

eBay (Vintage Computing)

While not a forum site, many excellent S100 Boards are available on eBay that can get you going quickly.  Some owners there can sometimes help you with questions.

If all else fails you can contact me directly at monahan-vitasoft.org (Substitute the "-" character with an @ character), but please use this sparingly, most questions can and are answered by members of the above Google Groups S100Computers forum.

This page was last modified on 02/08/2023


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