S-100 Computers Old Orders
This page will contain S100 Computer
boards sent out in the more recent past.
Order List For The FPGA_VGA_LCD Board
The order list for the board (FPGA_VGA_LCD BOARD) is now
Order List For The RAM+ROM II Board
The order list for the board (RAM+ROM
II BOARD) is now closed.
The board has been ordered by the following people:-
Terry Fox
Eric Dittman 2
George Warner 2
Richard McCoy 1
Jay Jaeger 1
Roger Whitehead 2
Mark Huffstutter 2
Roy Bragg
Henry Broekhuyse 1
Steve Mastrianni 2
Sean Adkins 1
Rich Camarda 1
Richard Edwards 1
Dominique Le Bel 2 + 4
Mezzanine boards
Troy Sabean 1 + 2
Mezzanine Boards
Kenny Maytum 1 + 2 Mezzanine
Kevin Kozlowski 2 + 4 Mezzanine Boards
Tim Acker
2 + 4 Mezzanine boards
Steven Feinsmith 1
Vernon Sawers
Earl Baugh 1
Jim OKeefe 1
Rick Bromagem 2
Gary Kaufman 2 + 2 Mezzanine boards
Mark Darvill 2 + 4 Mezzanine
Charles Britten 1
Thomas L. VonDerHaar 2
Crawford Griffith 1 + 2 Mezzanine boards
Greg Beat
1 + 2 Mezzanine boards
Martin Crockett 1
Order List For The Super IO Board II Board
The order list for the board (Super
IO Board II) is now closed
The board has been sent to the following people:-
Earl Baugh
Rick Bromagem 1
Terry Fox
Mark Huffstutter 2
Steve Mastrianni 2
Eric Dittman 2
George Warner 2
Kevin Kozlowski 2
John Reeves 2
Thomas L VonDerHaar 2
Tim Acker
Kenny Maytum 1
Dominique Le Bel 2
Order List For The Raspberry Pi S100 Bus CPU Board
The order list for the board (Raspberry
Pi CPU Board) is now CLOSED.
The board has been shipped to the following people:-
Mark Huffstutter 2
Christopher Mallery 1
Sean Adkins 1
Jordi Breu 2
Jay Jaeger 1
Michael Petry 2
Kenny Maytum 1
Thomas L VonDerHaar 2
Robert Greenstreet 1
George Warner 2
Gary Kaufman 1
John Kennedy 1
Dave McGuire 2
Henrik Stahl 2
Randall McLaughlin 1
Charles Britten 1
Kipp D Yeakel 1
Steven Hamilton 1
Jim OKeefe 1
William Stewart 1
Tim Acker
Paul Birkel 2
Richard Edwards 1
Rick Bromagem 2
Troy Sabean 1
John Reeves 2
Roy Bragg
Henry Broekhuyse 1
Eric Dittman 1
Damian Wildie 2
Bob Bell
Steve Mastrianni 1
Jay Cotton 1
Michael Wachur 1
Joe Meyer
Mark Darvill 1
Rodney Radford 1
Order List For The 9511 Math Processor Board
The order list for this board (Math Board)
is now closed.
The board has been sent to the
following people.
Marcus Wigan
John McBride 2
Stanley Katz 1
Terry Fox 1
Jay Cotton 1
Rick Bromagem 1
Dave McGuire 2
Pete Plank 1
Chris Mallery 1
Richard Edwards 1
Gary Kaufman 2
Paul Birkel 1
Roy Bragg 3
Rich Camarda 1
Tim Acker 1
David London 1
Steven Hamilton 1
Mark Huffstutter 2
Dominique Le Bel 2
Order List for the
Super IO Board.
The order list for this board ((Super
IO Board) is now closed.
The board has been sent to the
following people:-
Christopher Mallery 1
George Warner 2
Thomas L VonDerHaar 2
Terry Fox 2
Roy Bragg 2
Jordi Breu 2
Tim Acker 2
Pete Plank 1
Mark Huffstutter 2
Gary Kaufman 1
Paul Birkel 3
Michael Petry 2
Henry Broekhuyse 1
Mike Radwick 2
Dominique Le Bel 2
Steven Hamilton 1
Jerry Prusa 2
lvcian vltava 1
Kevin Kozlowski 2
Richard Edwards
1 (Australia)
Rick Bromagem 2
Order List for the
The order list for this board (FPGA_DC
IDE+FDC Board) is now closed.
The board has been sent to the
following people:-
Henry Broekhuyse 2
Rick Bromagem 2
Mark Huffstutter 2
Terry Fox 2
Joe Meyer 2
Paul Birkel 1
Eric Dittman 2
Kevin Kozlowski 2
Mark Darvill 2
Richard Shoemaker 1
David Desson 1
Steven Osborne 1
David Desson 1
Steve Mastrianni 4
Thomas VonDerHaar 2
Mike Radwick 2
Sean Adkins 1
Steven Hamilton 1
Tim Acker 1
Michael Petry 2
John Reeves 2
Kipp Yeakel 1
Bob Bell 1
Dominique Le Bel 3
David Carroll 2
Doug Wood 1
Jefferey Wilson 2
Ray Potts 2
Pete Plank 1
Damian Wildie 2
Bill Saltzstein 1
Steven Feinsmith 1
Order List for the
V4 CF Card/IDE Board.
Here is the list of people that have requested a
V4 IDE_CF Card Board.
The ordering process for this board is now closed and the boards have been
shipped to:
Mike Noel 1
John McBride 2
Terry Fox 2
Jefferey Wilson 2
Roy Bragg 2
Earl Baugh Jr 1
Gary Kaufman 2
Kevin Kozlowski 2
Jay Jaeger 1
Tim Acker 1
Lee Carter
Vernon Sawers
Robert Greenstreet 1
Jim OKeefe 1
Steven Hamilton 1
Lee Carter 2
Paul Birkel 2
Mark Huffstutter 2
Steve Mastrianni 4
George Warner 2
Peter J Plank 1
Second Batch
Steven Feinsmith 1
Robert Grier 2
Patrick Linstruth 1
Leonard Dauksza 1
Dave McGuire 1
Rick Bromagem 2
Lyndon Bradish 2
Doug Jackson 2*
Eric Dittman 2
Bernard Aeberli
Jason Slade
Dave McGuire 2
Sean Adkins 1
Sian Ettershank 2
David Carroll 2
Fred Rorex 2
Yndon Branish 2
Order List for the
Here is the list of people that have requested a
The board has now been sent to the following people:
Terry Fox 2
Steve Mastrianni 2
Joe Meyer 2
Todd Goodman 3
Gary Kaufman 2
Peter Plank 1
Daniel Smith 1
Robert Greenstreet 1
Fred Rorex 1
Ray Potts 2
Bob Bell 1
Michael Petry 2
David Carroll 2
John Luke 2
Paul Birkel 1
David Rosenberger 2
Henry Broehuyse 1
Tim Green 1
Doyle Paynter 1
Michael Wachur 1
Steven Feinsmith 1
Kevin Kozlowski 2
James Markevitch 1
Roy Bragg 1
Damian Wildie 2
Mark Huffstutter 2
Will Stewart 2
Steven Hamilton 1
Order List for the
Serial IO V4.2 S100 Board.
Serial IO Board V4.2
order list is NOW CLOSED
and has been sent to all those below.
rcamarda3157@gmail.com Richard Camarda 1
Mark Huffstutter 2
Eric Dittman
Eric Dittman 2
Ronald Wochner 1
donald@lue-forsyth.co.uk Donald Forsyth 2
Steven Feinsmith 2
Jordi Autocet 2
pbirkel@gmail.com Paul Birkel 1
rickb602000@yahoo.com Rick Bromagem 2
raypotts@san.rr.com Ray Potts 2
bcax1@yahoo.com.au Bernard Aeberli 2
Mark Darvill 2
dominique.le.bel.mobile@gmail.com Dominique Le Bel 1
William Setwart 2
Kipp Yeakel 1
Vince Mulhollon 1
Rob Gowin 2
Doug Wood 1
Robert Greenstreet 1
Vernon Sawers 1
Terry Fox 2
Gary Kaufman 2
kb3dxr@gmail.com Christopher Best 2
Greg Beat 1
Pete Plank 1
Dave McGuire 1
Randy Mc laughlin 1
Damian Wildie 2
Jim OKeefe 1
John Reeves 1
Brendan Mc Neill 1
Kenny Maytum 1
lyndonbradish@gmail.com Lyndon bardish 1
mwachur@gmail.com Michael Wachur 1
kkozlowski63@gmail.com Kevin Kozlowski 2
madbeing1@gmail.com Dan Smith 1
ethranedoc@gmail.com John Frenzel 1
tacker73@gmail.com Tim Acker 1
Thomas VonDerHaar 2
Damien Towning 1
Jim Markevitch 1
Will Stewart 1
David Ratji 1
Steven Mastrianni 2
Steven Hamilton 1
Christopher mallery 1
Steve Hamilton 1
Steven Osborne 1
Earl Baug 1
Todd Goodman 3
Martin Crockett
Martin Crockett 1
Dave Park
Dave Park 1
Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith 1
Order List for the
Z80-80286 SBC S100 Board.
FPGA 80286 SBC Board order list is NOW CLOSED
and has been sent to all those below.
Richard 1
Joe Meyer 2
Scott Devitt 1
Vernon Sawers 1
Terry Fox 1
Garry Kaufman 2
Steven Hamilton 1
Kenny Maytum 1
Christopher Best 1
Mark 2
Martin Crockett 1
Tom VanDerHarr 1
Paul Birkel 2
Todd Goodman 3
Vince Mulhollon 2
Mark Darvill 1
Jordi Autocet 1
Pete Plank 1
Jim OKeefe 1
Steve O 1
Keven Kozlowski 2
Michael DuFresne 1
Michael Wachur 1
Damian Wildie 1
Bruce Czerniec 1
Randy McLaughlin 1 (In Mississippi)
Tim Acker 1
Dave London 1
Rick Bromagem 1
Robert Greenstreet 1
Rob Gowin 1
Gary Milliorn 1
David Rosenberger 1
Paul Thompson 1
Jim Manley 1
Henry Broekhuyse
Michael DuFresne 1 Will order 55 boards.
Order List for the
Z80-FPGA SBC S100 Board.
Z80_FPGA SBC Board
order list is now CLOSED.
Currently the following people have been shipped boards via USPO Express mail.
Jeff Albrecht
Robert Stek
Rick Bromagem 2
Bob Stek 1
Bob Bell
Richard Edwards 2
(USPO Tracking # CH080414882US)
Mike Niswonger 2
Richard Camarda 1
Randy McLaughlin 1
Vernon Sawers 1
(USPO Tracking # CH080419791US)
Jim King
Pete Plank
Paul Birkel
Greg Holdren
Robert Greenstreet 1
Joe Meyer
Jack Rubin
Todd Goodman
Harold Rothwell 1
Dominique Le Bel 2
(USPO Tracking # CH080415945US)
Gary Kaufman 3
Kenny Maytum 1
David Ellwood
Tracking # CH080419615US)
Jordi Autocet 2
(USPO Tracking # CH080416883US)
James Markevitch 2
Rob Gowin
Roy Bragg
Michael Petry 2
Vince Mulhollon 2
Randal Eubanks 2
Steve Osborne 1
Tony Gerbic
Bernard Aeberli 2
(USPO Tracking # CH080416591US)
Kevin Kozlowski 2 (Fl. Address)
Thomas Riesen 1
Thomas Owen
Richard P McCoy 1
William Stewart 1
Thierry Schembri 1
Tim Acker
Max Scane
(USPO Tracking # CH080416512US)
John Luke
Tracking # CH080417155US, + one V2 FPGA Board)
Thomas VonDerHaar 1
Jordi Solis
(USPO Tracking # CH080416778US)
Michael Wachur 1
Dan Smith
Greg Fox
Marcus Wigan
(USPO Tracking # CH080416194US)
David Rosenberger 2
Earl Baugh
Jim Manley
2 (Lame Deer address)
Mark Kaufmann 2
Scott Devitt 2
Jeff Erwin
Eric Dittman 2
Mark Darvill 2
(USPO Tracking # CH080417040US)
Greg Carlson 1
Martin Crockett
(USPO Tracking # CH080415401US)
Terry Fox
Second batch:-
Huffstutter 2
Daniel Pitton 1
(USPO Tracking # CH080674777US)
Leonard Young 1
Don Miller
Max Scane
(USPO Tracking # CH080674600US)
Order List for the
V2 FPGA Prototype S100 Bus Board.
S100 Bus
V21.b FPGA Board order list is now closed.
replacement/corrected V2.1C board have
been shipped to the following people:-
Joe Meyer
Randy McLaughlin
1,1,1 (+68030)
John Luke
Paul Birkel 2,2,2
Jeff Albrecht 2,2,2
Jordi Autocet 1,1,1
Todd Goodman 3,3,3
Harold Rothwell 1,1,1
Jim Manley 2,2,2
Jim Daniels 2,2,1
Vince Mulhollon 2,2,2
rcamarda3157 1,1,1
Garry Milliorn 1,1,1
Kipp Yeakel 1,1,1
Vernon Sawers 1,1,1
Mike Niswonger 2,2,2
Steve O
Garry Kaufman 2,2,2
Bob Bell
Jordi Solis 1,1,1
Dave London 2,1,1
Leon Byles 1,1,1
William Stewart 1,0,2 (+68030)
David Rosenberger 1,1,1
Kevin Kozlowski 2,2,2
Michael Petry 2,0,2
Thomas VonDerHaar 2,2,2
Thomas Bulver 2,2,2
Kenny Maytum 1,1,1
Rick Bromagem 1,1,1
Steven Hamilton 1,1,1
Mark Darvill 2,1,2
Tim Acker
Richard Edwards 2,2,2
Marcus Wigan
Court Mayer
Earl Beaugh 1,1,1
There was a
catastrophic layout error on the above V2.1b FPGA board. The actual board layout
did NOT correspond to the actual schematic.
The manufacturer (PCBCart) swapped the front and back traces on the board by
accident. This new board (V2.1C) has now been sent out to all. The V2.1B board should be disposed of.
The shields boards are fine and are not included in this second batch.
Order List for the FPGA Prototype S100 Bus Board.
The S100 Bus FPGA Board order list is now closed.
The boards has been shipped to the following people:-
David Mehaffy 3
Robert Atkinson 4
Bruce De Leenheer 1
Jeff Albrecht 2
Mark Darvill 2
John Reeves 2
Harold Rothwell 1
Dominique Le Bel 2 + 1 68030 + 3 PIC/RTC
Richard Edwards 2
Bob Bell 1
Rob Gowin 2
Gary Kaufman 2
Dave London 2
Rick Bromagem 1
Richard Camarda 1
Steve Osborne 1
Andrew Bingham 1
Hayden K 1
Kipp Yeakel 1
Dave Hornbaker 1
Mike Petry 2
Vernon Sawers 2
Paul Birkel 3
Joe Meyer 2
Robert Greenstreet 1
Jack Rubin 2
James Markevitch 2
Alex Swedenburg 1 + 1 Arduino Board
Mike Niswonger 2
Todd Goodman 3
Vince Mulhollon 2
Curt Mayer 2
Jordi Autocet 2
Nekonoko 1
Gary Milliorn 2
Tim Acker 1
Thomas Riesen 1
John Frenzel 2
Kevin Kozlowski 2
Leonard Young 2
Jim Manley 1
Order List for the Mega 328-2560 CPU S100 Bus Board.
The Mega 328-2560 CPU board order list is now closed.
The board has been shipped to the following people:-
rcamarda3157 1
Jeff Albrecht 2
Gary Kaufman 3
Kipp Yeakel 1
Bob Bell 1
Richard 2 + MSDOS Support Board
John Reeves 2
Jim Manley 2
Harold Rothwell 1
Joe Meyer 2
James Markevitch 2 + VDP Board
Dave London 2
Rob Gowin 1 + 16 Bit VGA + Adaptor
Geoffrey Coward 1
Paul Birkel 2
Bill Soley 2
Vince Mullollon 2
jfre 2
Brian Marstella 2
Robert Greenstreet 2
Yoda 2
Nekonoko 1
Mark Darvill 2
Jordi Solis 1
Leon Byles 2
Roger Hanscom 2
Thierry Schembri 1
Andrew Bingham 1
Rick Bromagem 1
Tim Acker 2
Gary Milliorn 1
Jay Jaeger 2
Hansit 2
Gene Zatz 1
Jeffrey Engel 2
Jonathan Haddox 2
Thomas Riesen 1
Vernon Sawers 2
Leonard Young
Howard Feindel 2
Order List for the V2 PDP11 CPU Board & Support Board.
The V2 PDP11 CPU Board and its Support Board . This order is now closed.
Rick Bromagem 1+1
Todd Goodman 3+3
Mark Darvill 1+1
Gary Kaufman 2+2 + 68030
David Fry 1+1 +ELM
Yoda 2+2
Ron Gowin 2+2
Vernon 1+1
Gary Milliorn 1+1
Richard Edwards 1+1
Dave London 2+2
Joe Meyer 2+2
Andrew Bingham 1+1
Andrew Quinn 1+1
Brian Marstella 1+1
Paul Birkel 2+2
William Setwart 1+1
G. Beat 1+1
David Jones 1+1
Vince Mulhollon 1+1
Harold Rothwell 1+1
Alex Sewdenburg 1+1
Richard P McCoy 1+1
Rod Smedley 1+1
Leon Byles 1+1 +ELM
Robert Greenstreet 1+1
John Reeves 1+1
Peter Cole 1+1
David Rosenberger 2+2
Nekonoko 1+1
Dan Werner 1+1
Chuckster Jak 2+2
Mike Niswonger 2+2
Marthy 1+1
James Markevitch 3+3 Z80 SBC, 68030, 2x Serial IO Boards
Order List for the Bus Display Board.
This board has been SENT to the following people. This order is now close.
Nekonoko 1
Lyndon Bradish 1
John Reeves 1
Richard Cini 1
Rick Bromagem 2
Brian Marstella 1
Garry Milliorn 1
Rod Smedley 1
William Stewart 1
Chuckster Jax 2
Gary Kaufman 2
Jfre 1
Bob Bell 1
Vernon 1
Michael Petry 1
Eric Dittman 2 (+ ZFDC, Serial-IO, Console-IO)
Harold Rothwell 1
Dave London 1
Jeff Albrecht 1
Paul Birkel 1
Ron Casotti 1
James Cobb 1
Todd Goodman 3
Joe Meyer 1
Vince Mulhollon 1
Jeff Galinat 1
Yoda 2
Therry Schembri 1
Geoffrey Coward 1
Roger Hanscom 1
Kipp Yeakel 1
Thomas Riesen 2
Tim Acker 1
Leon Byles 1
G. Beat 1
Rob Gowin 2 (+ 68030 board)
Ian May 2
Eric Furst 1
Mark Darvill 1
Richard P McCoy 1
Dylan McNamee 1 (+ Console IO board)
Jim Harre 2
Andrew Bingham 1
Leonard Young 1
Richard Edwards 1 (+ Prototype Board V2)
Robert Grier 1
Santo Nucifora 1
Curt Mayer 1
Michael Wachur 1
Don Caprio 1
Barry Marshall 1
Brian Marstella 1
Robert Greenstreet 1
Jordi Solis 1
David Jones 1
Richard Pope 1
Joe Meyer 1
William Stewart 1
Blair Davis 1 (+ Bus Extender)
Order List for the V2.51 Console IO Board
This board has been SENT to the following people. This order is now close.
Rod Smedley 2
Brian Marstella 1
Richard Camarda 1
Andrew Bingham 1
Vernon Sawers 1
Gary Kaufman 2
John Reeves
1Paul Birkel
2Joe Meyer
2Todd Goodman
3Greg Beat
2Vince Mulhollon 2
David Mehaffy 2
Richard P McCoy 1
Dave London
2Jeff Albrecht
2Rick Bromagem
1Garry Milliorn
1Dan Smith
1Rob Gowin
William Stewart 1
Harold Rothwell 1
Nicholas Waun 1
Mike Petry
2Tim Acker
1Pete Plank
1James Olson
Curt Mayer
2Mark Thomas 1
Max Scane 1 + ZFDC
Order List for Past S100Computers Boards
The following people were sent the boards listed below. This backorder list is now closed.
Robert Grier 2 Dual IDE Boards
David Fry 1 Full Size 80486
Gary Milliorn 1 68M board, 1 Dazzler II Board, 1 Full Size 80486 Board, 1 32/64MB OTT SRAM board (4 layer).
Yoda 2 32/64MB OTT SRAM Boards (4 layer), 2 Buffered Prototype boards, 2 PIC/RTC
David Hornbaker 2 32/64MB OTT SRAM Boards (4 layer), 1 80486 Board, CPLD Programmer
Bob Bell 1 68000 Board
Nick Waun 1 32/64MB OTT SRAM Board (4 layer), 1 PDP11 CPU
Vernon 2 32/64MB OTT SRAM Boards (4 layer)
Joe Meyer 1 Console IO Board, 2 Z80 CPU boards, 1 Serial IO Board, 1 PIC/RTC, 1 Z80 SBC
Andrew Bingham 1 Z80 SBC
James Sternberg 1 Z80 SBC, 1 Console-IO, 1 Dual IDE, 1 16MB RAM, 1 SMB, 1 ZFDC, 1 Serial IO,
2 RAM Mezzanine Boards, 1 Z80 SBC
Jordi Solis 1 VDP Video + 1 Z80 SBC, 1 Console IO, 1 Dual IDE
Hansit 1 Z80 CPU, 1 Console IO, 1 Dual IDE, 1 16MG SRAM, 1 SMB, 1 ZFDC, 1 Serial IO, 1 68K CPU Board,
1 Dazzler II, 1 RAM+ROM, 2 RAM Mezzanine Boards
John Reeves 2 Console-IO Boards
G. Beat 1 32/64 MB OTT RAM Board (4 layer), 4 Mezzanine boards
Brice Hassenstab 1 Z80 CPU, 1 Console IO, 1 Dual IDE, 1 16 MB RAM, 1 SMB, 1 ZFDC, 1 Serial, 2 RAM Mezzanine Boards
Paul Birkel 1 16MB RAM, 1 VGA 16 bit, 1 32/64MB OTT SRAM Boards (4 layer), 1 RAM+ROM, 12 RAM Mezzanine Boards
Dusan Strika 1 Z80 CPU, 1 68K CPU, 1 RAM+ROM, 1 Console IO, 1 Dual IDE, 1 TIL Display board
Jeff Albrecht 2 Buffered prototype boards, 2 ZFDC, 1 Z80 CPU, 1 PIC/RTC
Terry Schembri 1 MSDOS Support Board
Eric Dale 1 Dual IDE, 1 ZFDC, 1 SMB, 1 PIC/RTC, 1 Propeller Console IO, 1 8086, 1 MSDOS Support,
1 RAM+ROM, 1 Z80 CPU Board, 1 Serial IO
Donald Burns 2 Duel IDEs, 1 Z80 SBC, 1 Console IO, 2 ZFDC Boards
Jfre 1 SMB, 2 Dual IDE, 2 16MG RAM, 2 Keyboard Adaptor, 2 MSDOS Support, 2 8086, 2 Console IO,
1 Bus Extender, 2 ZFDC, 2 Z80 SBC
Ian Litchfield 1 Z80 SBC, 1 Console IO
Tim Acker 1 Console IO, 1 RAM+ROM, 6 RAM Mezzanine Boards
Lyndon Bradish 1 Console IO, 1 S100 Buffered Prototype Board
Howard Feindel 2 MSDOS Support Boards
Mark Kaufmann 1 Dazzler II, 1 MSDOS Support, 1 80486, 1 VGA 16 bit, 1 OTT 32/54 RAM (4 layer),
4 RAM mezzanine boards, 1 VGA mezzanine, 1 Z80 CPU, 2 Dazzler Joystick boards
Richard Pope 1 OTT 32/64 MG RAM (4 layer), 3 RAM Mezzanine, 2 IDE, 1 Z80 CPU, 1 Serial IO,
1 CPLD Programming Board, 1 SMB, 1 TIL Mezzanine.
Dave Sroelov 1 Duel IDE Board
Dave Kamalsky 1 Duel IDE Board
David Stewart 1 V2 Edison Board
Michael DuFresne 1 RAM+ROM, 1 ZFDC, 1 80383, 1 80486
David Jones 1 Z80 CPU Board, 1 Serial IO Board
Order List for the 68030 CPU Board
This board has been shipped to the following people:-
Todd Goodman 3
Rod Smedley 1
Nick Waun 1
Yoda 2
Rick Bromagem 2
Andrew Bingham 1
Gary Kaufman 3
Nekonoko 1
Jfre 2
William Stewart 2
Bob Bell 1
Jxm 2
Thierry Schembri 1
Dave London 2
Jordi Autocet 2
John Reeves 2
Paul Birkel 2
Joe Meyer 1
Harold Rothwell 1
Richard P McCoy 1
Alex Swedenburg 1
Vince Mulhollon 2
Hansit 2
Thomas Riesen 1
Dennis B. D'Annunziuo 1
David Hornbaker 1
Dan Smith 1
Sven Schott 1
Tim Acker 1
Greg Beat 1
Brian Marstella 1
Richard Pope 1
David Hornbanker 1
G. Beat 1
Vernon 1
Howard Feindel 2
Steven Feinsmith 1
CompuPro S100 Bus Motherboard/Power Supply/Box List
Recently a number of Compupro Power Supply/Motherboard boxes have become available for free. I have ship these to some of our "regular" members.
The list of people due to receive these systems is listed below. Those in yellow are already sent:-
David Jones #1
John Frenzel #3
Joe Meyer #4
Tim Acker #6
Dave London #2
Michael Wachur #7
Gary Milliorn #10
Peter Ruetz #9 (Local)
Bob Bell #5
Richard P McCoy #11
Barry Marshall #8
This "order" is now closed.
Order List for the Edison II Board
This board has been shipped to the following people:-
Todd Goodman 3
Paul Birkel 3
Howard Feindel 2 + eight
V06D mezzanine boards
Andrew Bingham 1
Rod Smedley 2
Yoda 2
Dave London 2
Richard Camarda 1
Gary Kaufman 2
Eric Dale 1
Harold Rothwell 2
Alex Swedenburg 1
Thomas Riesen 1
Richard P McCoy 1
Rick Bromagem 1
Michael Petry 2
John Reeves 2
Steven Feinsmith 1
Henrik Ståhl 2
nekonoko 1
Jordi Solis 1 + CPLD programming boardJoe Meyer 2 + CPLD programming boardBrian Marstella 2Jfre 2David Rosenberger 2
Eric Dale 1
Tim Acker 1
Kipp Yeakel 1
Robert Greenstreet 1
John Simkiss 1
Order List for the PDP-11 CPU Board
This board so far has been sent to the following people:-
Lyndon Bradish 2
Jim Orchard 1
Vernon 1
John Reeves 1
joe meyer 2
Todd Goodman 3
Richard Cini 1
Harold Rothwell 1
lcyoung 1
Vince Mulhollon 2
Dave London 2
David Jones 1
Richard Camarda 1
David Mehaffy 2
David Rosenberger 2
nekonoko 1
Andrew Bingham 1
Malcolm Macleod 1
Steven Feinsmith 1
Mike Niswonger 1
Dave Roberts 1
Mark Thomas 2
Alex Jacocks 1
Jonathan Chapman 1
Jim Orchard 1
Charles Ledford 1
Steven Feinsmith 1
Bob Bell 1
Rob Doyle 1
Gary Milliorn 1
David Hornbaker 1
Gary Kaufman 3
Robert Greenstreet 1
Dave Roberts 1
Marty 1
Alex Swedenburg 1
Charles Ledford 2
Richard P McCoy 1
Henrik Ståhl 2
Brian Marstella 1
Leon Byles 1
Rick Bromagem
Paul Birkel 2
David Fry 1
G.Beat 1
Order List for the Edison
I Board
This board so far has been sent to the following people:-
Fred A 1
David London 2
Alex Swedenburg 1
Richard P.McCoy 1
Dennis Bernardo D'Annunzio 1
Dave Mehaffy 2
Garry Kaufman 2
Richard Camarda 1
Jbensadon 1
'Rick' via S100Computers 1
Harold Rothwell 1
Michael Petry 2
Thierry Schembri 1
nekonoko 1
Kipp Yeakel 1
Rod Smedley 1 + (2Dazzler,2Joysticks,1CPLD board)
David Rosenberger 2
Richard Pope 1 + (Propeller Console IO Board)
Joe Meyer 2
Order List for Past S100Computers Boards
The boards below have been sent to the following
Randall McLaughlin 1 68K
David Fry 1 68K
Alex Swedenburg 1 16MB RAM, 1 CPLD Programming Board, 1 SMB + TIL Mezzanine Board
Jeff Albrecht 1 RAM+ROM, 1 16MB RAM+4 Mezzanine boards, 2 Console IO boards
Walter Miraglia 1 Serial, 1 Dazzler II + 2 Joysticks
Fabio Battaglia 1 Full Size 80486, 1 32MB OTT RAM+4 Mezzanine boards, 1 Dazzler II + 2 joysticks, 1 VGA-16 Bit+1 Mezzanine board, 1 MSDOS Support, 1 68K
Rick Bromagem 1 Parallel Ports, 1 Serial, 1 MSDOS Support, 1 Dual IDE, 1 16MB RAM+
8 Mezzanine Boards, 1 Z80 Board
Geoffrey Coward 1 Serial
Vernon Sawers 1 Baby 80486
G Beat 1 CPLD Programmer board, 1 Serial I/O board
Jordi Solis 1 Console IO Board, 1 Dual IDE, 1 ZFDC Board, 1 MSDOS Support Board
Fred Angstadt 1 Console IO Board, 1 Dual IDE, 1 SMB + TIL Mezzanine Board, 1 Serial IO, 1 Dazzler + 2 joysticks
Michael Wachur 1 VGA (16 bit), 1 Baby 80486, 1 SMB + TIL Mezzanine Board
Order List for
Dazzler II Video Board
This board has been shipped to the following people on 11/16/2015:-
Paul Birkel 1+2
Rick Bromagem 1+2
Leon Byles 1+2
Dave London 2+2
Dušan Střílka 1+2
Todd Goodman 3+6
Alex Swedenburg 1+2
Jeff Albrecht 2+6
Gary Kaufman 2+4
Bob Bell 1+2
Geoffrey Coward 1+2
J. Alexander Jacocks 1+2
Vernon 1+2
David Rosenberger 2+2
lcyoung 1+2
James Cobb 1+2
JOSH Bensadon 2+4
Nick Waun 1+2
Richard P McCoy 1+2
Matthew Turner 1+2
Ian May 2+4
Tim Acker 1+2
Andrew Bingham 1+2
Santo Nucifora 2+4
Richard Camarda 1+2
Malcolm Macleod 2+4
Randy McLaughlin 1+2
Pete Plank 1+2
Nick Brizza 1+2
Harold Rothwell 1+2
Howard Feindel 1+2
Kipp Yeakel 1+2
Dave Mehaffy 2+2
Oliver Vie Brooks 1+2
Dennis Bernardo 1+2
Steven Feinsmith 1+2
Order List for
V1.1a Z80 SBC Card Board
This board has been shipped to the following people on 10/25/2016 .
Peter Cole 1
Terry Walker 1
Roger Hanscom 2
Geoffrey Coward 1
David Jones 1 Jordi Solis 1
Leonard Young 1
Oliver VieBrooks 1
Order List for
V3 IDE/CF Card Board
This board has been shipped to the following people on 9/30/2016.
Vernon 1
Geoffrey Coward 1
Richard P McCoy 1
Tim Acker 1
Dennis Bernardo D'Annunzio 1
atl877 1
G. Beat 1
Nick Waun 1
Michael Wachur 1 + 1 MSDOS Board
Michael George Hart 2
Dave London
Alex Swedenburg 1
Rick Bromagem 1
Terry Walker 1
Michael Hart 1
John Reeves 1
David Jones 1
Joe Herdler 1
Oliver VieBrooks 1
Order List for V3 32/64 MB OTT Static RAM Board for 80386 & 80486 Boards
This board has been shipped to the following people on 9/30/2016.
Gary Kaufman 2 + VGA 16 Board
Andrew Bingham 1
Alex Swedenburg 1
Harold Rothwell 1
J. Alexander Jacocks 1
John Reeves 1
Todd Goodman 2
Robert Watson 2
lcyoung 1
Brian Marstella 1
Dave London 1
Feindel, Howard 2
Paul Birkel 1
Vince Mulhollon 1
David Rosenberger 1
Dennis Bernardo D'Annunzio 1
'Rick' via S100Computers 1
Tim Acker 1
Matthew Turner 2
Jordi solis 1
Order List for
16 Bit VGA Board and Full Size 80486 Boards
On 9/12/2016 the (VGA
+ 80486)
boards were shipped to the following people (via Priority Mail):-
80486(F) 16Bit VGA
Gary Kaufman
2 3
Wayne Warthen
2 2
David Fry
- 1
Alex Swedenburg
1 1
J. Alexander Jacocks 1
Robert Greenstreet
1 1
Andrew Bingham
1 1
Josh Bensadon 1 1
Vince Mulhollon 2 2
Matthew Turner
Todd Goodman 3 3
1 1
Harold Rothwell 1 1
Robert Greenstreet
1 1
Jesse Marroquin 1
Brian Marstella 1 1
Robert Watson 2 2
Leonard Young 1 1
(+ PIC/RTC Board)
Greg Beat - 1
Richard Camarda -
Tim Acker
1 1
Rick Bromagem
1 2
Paul Birkel
1 2
Nick Waun
- 1
Dennis B D'Annunzio 1
jordi.solism 1 1
David Rosenberger 2
John Reeves 1 1
Randy McLaughlin 1
Bob Bell
- 1
Charles Rugenstein
- - (SBC
+ V3 MSDOS Support Board)
David London
1 1
here owes Gary Kaufmann a big thanks. Gary had fabricated (at his own expense)
the Trident Carrier board described for the VGA board. He sent 50 of the
mini boards on to me. One carrier board is included with each VGA S100 board
sent out. This custom carrier board makes soldering the 160 pin Trident
chip quite easy. Thanks Gary!
Order List for
MSDOS Support Board (V3)
On 8/8/2016 the
MSDOS Support
Board has been shipped (via Priority Mail) to the following people:-
Richard Camarda 1
Randy 1
Bob Bell 1
Todd Goodman 3
Robert Watson 1
John Reeves 1
Nick Waun 1
Dave London 2
Harold Rothwell 1
'Rick' 1
w9gb 1
jxm 2
musovern 1
Brizza 1
Sven Schott 1
Order List for
Baby 80486 CPU Board
Baby 80486
Boards have been sent to the following people:-
Rick Bromagem
Paul Birkel
David Fry
Alex Swedenburg
Todd Goodman
Gary Kaufman
Vince Mulhollon
Harold Rothwell
Bob Bell
Sven Schott
Dave London
J. Alexander Jacocks 1
Tim Acker
Richard Camarda
Andrew Bingham
Robert Greenstreet
Brian Marstella
Dennis B. D'Annunzio 1
Ronald Wochner
Matthew Turner
David Rosenberger 2
Fabio Battaglia 3
Order List for Serial IO Board (V3.1)
Serial IO Board (V3.1)
have been shipped to the following people:-
Alex Swedenburg 2
John Reeves 1
ChucksterJax 3
Richard Camarda 1
Harold Rothwell 1
Robert Watson 1
Max Scane
wade kemp
Jim Hart
Todd Goodman 3
Richard P McCoy 1
Michael Narigon 1
Bob Bell
Sven Schott 2
Dan Smith
Dylan McNamee 1
Jim Harre
Tony Durland 1
Dave London 2
craig andrews 1
Paul Birkel 1
John Parsons 1
Jeff Albrecht 1
Nick Waun
Older Boards are no longer listed!
This page was last modified
on 05/26/2024