Over the years a considerable amount of time has gone into maintaining this
web site. It is now almost 7GB is size with over 7000 files. A large number of people have provided support and encouragement
along the way. The site has drawn from the work of many others with their own
web sites on the web. Many have sent me S-100 board manuals and
pictures to add to the current growing collection. I would like to thank
everybody involved in the past for their work. In the future, I'm sure
others will appreciate your help.
In particular I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of:-
Herb Johnson - For his early lead in documenting for all things S-100
(see here)
Howard Harte - Great source of .pdf files of manuals, pictures and Blog (see
Marcus Bennett - Probably the best storage of S-100
board pictures and manuals on the web (see
Dave Dunfield - Another outstanding source of images and information
Barry Watzman - Many of the .pdf files on board manuals on the web are his contributions
a few years back.
Robert Kuhmann - His Cro's Nest web page is a great source of information for
Cromemco boards
Richard Lynch - For high resolution pictures of the very large diverse
number of S-100 board he has sent me.
Erik Klein - Also for high resolution pictures of the very large diverse
number of S-100 board he has given me.
Mike Meier - For high resolution of some Teletek boards he has sent me.
Tim Paterson - For most of the Seattle Computer Products pictures and manuals
he kindly provided
Gerrit Visser - For images and manuals of some unusual/rare boards (Romac, SD
Systems 8SIO, Multiflex) he sent me.
John King - For the Newtech Music, IA & TDL video boards with manuals
he sent me.
Jim Scharfe - For history information on SD Systems and Macrotech
Anthony Stramaglia - for theComputalker CT-1 photo and scanning in all the associated
Steve Syuart - For his high resolution pictures of some Intersystems and Advanced
Digital and other boards.
Wolfgang Peters - For information and pictures of Solata S-100 boards
Matt Turner - For the Digital Research Computers 16K ROM board manual.
John King - For manuals for Delta Products and Intersystems RTC boards .
Roman Sigmund - For picture and manual for the MySYS SBC.
Martin Eberhard - For pictures and manuals of a number of rare S-100 boards
and his Altair/TTY combination.
Dennis Dupre - For most of the ECT Inc. pictures and manuals he kindly
David L DuPuy - For images of images of some California Computers Systems
Michael Gregory - For his picture of what is probably the only remaining Cromemco
Cyclops camera.
James Babcock - For information on the Scion MicroAngelo board and the company.
Peter Naus - For his beautiful hand done/colored updates of the Digital Research
CPM3 manuals.
Roger Lewis - For a good picture of the Dual Systems 68K S-100 CPU board
Harry Zwicker -- For pictures of the DRC 64K Static RAM and Jade Serial I/O
Paul McNeill -- For information on the Processor Technology 48K Dynamic RAM
Peter Skamangas -- For CompuPro Econoram XIV manual.
"RickNel" at Vintage-computer forum -- for information
about the early history of IMS
Nigel Williams -- Picture of the Lomas Ligntning One 8086 Board
Don Caprio -- Manual for SD Systems ExpandoROM board
Terry Sare -- For picture and Manual for Fulcrums FDC also LDP Hasitall
Stephen Thomas --- For information about the marinchip TMS 9900 CPU board
Dave Rataj -- For picture and manuals for the CompuPro NS-32016 & 80286 CPU
Alan Teeter -- For picture of the rare Cromemco DPU board
John King -- For some Intersystem board pictures and manuals
Marty Geist & Denis Bourdeau -- Space Byte 8085 SBC information and picture.
Bruce Hilton -- For a nice picture of the Teletek FDC-1 board
Gerry Snyder - for info about a QC problem with early Tarbell Cassette boards.
Bob Bell - For Fulcrum Video Board Picture & Mullen Extender Board Schematic
Charles Stephens - For the Intersystems Series-III Z80 CPU and MidTerm Associates
Merlin Video Board manuals
Charles Dawson - For Dynabyte Naked Terminal manual
Frank Schieschke - For CompuPro Interfacer-I picture and manual and MITS TurnKey
board info
Jonathan Haddox - For the Compu/Time - 256K RAM Board manual and a picture
of SSM 64K board. Also the IMS CPS-MX Z80 board
Roger Lewis - For a number of pictures and manuals for the Alpha Micro S100
Steve Rice - For the Macrotech MI-286 CPU Board manual
Jim Hearne - For Marinchip Systems board manuals
David R. Rovner - For IMSAI MPUB manual and schematic.
Tom Lafleur - who help greatly in fine tuning and optimizing
the final version of the RAM/ROM board
Jonathan Haddox - For pictures and
information & documentation about the IMS 80186 CPUs and a numbert of
other IMS boards.
Fabio Battaglia - For update/corerctions to the 6502 Board page
Dave Rataj - For a good picture of the CompuPro 32016 CPU board and the .JED
files for the custom PAL's
Edmund Cramp - For the SSM IO5 manual
Frank Schieschke - For a picture and the manual of the SC Digital 1M DRAM
Don Burns - For information about bugs with the Delta Data Productes 64K RAM
Dave Sanders - For the IMSAI 8080 CPU board schematic
Jonathan Haddox - For a picture of the Tarbell CPU Board, SC Digital Z80
board picture & info on the ADC multi-slave, Nortstar UP-8 Manual and MuSYS boards.
Martin Crockett - Some Wamco and Alph Micro board pictures
Rick Bromagem - For many BOM listings of our new boards
Al Hstrza - For Mountain Hardware PROM burner board & the Problem Solver
Systems 16K RAM Board manuals
Bruce Mabel - For picture and manual for Artec 32K RAM board
Pavl Zachary - For SD Systems SBC picture
Anthony Lassiter - For the LDP Mega-RAM Board and manual.
Dan Koestler - For a good picture of the Jade 64k DRAM board
Kevin Sargent - For a hard copy manual of the Measurement Systems DM6400
DRAM board
Ross Milbourne - For the picture and manual for the Dual Systems 32K RAM
Herb Johnston -- For the schematic for the CSS 2810 Z80 CPU Board
Amardeep Chana -- For schematic of Cromemco 64 FDC board
Lyndon Bradish - For a picture of the CCS 2718A Serial Board & Manual
Peter Beck -- For the Multiflex Z80 SBC Board manual
Ian May - For the Dynabyte 64K DRAM board manual.
Mark Thomas -- For .bin files of the Morrow DJ2D FDC Board
David Jones - For Northstar Horizon Manual
Matthew Forsyth - For the Cromemco Z-2 Instruction Manual
Mike Duglas - For the MITS 16K DRAM Manual
Andrew Quinn - For Versafloppy-II Schematic
Herb Johnson -- For Mountain Hardware RTC Board manual and softeware
William Sudbrink - For picture of IMSAI Front panel schematic.
Randy Eubanks -- For nice .pdf file of the SD Systems Expando RAM IV Manual
Dave Rataj -- For the Compupro SS2 Manual
Patrick Linstruth - For DC Hayes Micromodem 100 manual and software
Jeff Albrecht -- For color picture of Electrologics 64K Static RAM Board
Richard Camarda - Schematic for CCS 2422 FDC Board
Evan Allen -- For constructing and providing the database of our members,
info etc.
David Carroll - For the manual for the SSM ROM Board
Jonathan Chapman -- Notes about the SD Systems CPU Boards
Paul Brinkel -- For Vector Graphics video boards manuals
Thomas Riesan -- For better picture of MITS RTC Board
Jason O'Keefe - For picture of Cromemco 4K RAM Board
Henry Hastings -- For history of Seals Electronics
Simon Dowson -- For Compupro Disk 1B manual
Scott Stillman -- For the Macrotech 2MG RAM Board
Scott Globasi - Ackerman Digital Noise maker manual
Jay Cotton -- Vector Graphics Dual HDC manual
Gregory Beat -- For Manuals for the CSS Clock board
This page was last modified
on 01/18/2025
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