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Industrial Micro Systems - Z80 CPX-BMX Board
IMS made a number of Z80 CPU boards of increasing degrees of complexity and sophistication.  The CPS-BMX was
a modification/upgrade of their CPS-MX Board.


The ICM CPS-MX 64K SLAVE AND CPS-BMX 128K SLAVE computers were very fast, reliable slave processors compatible with ICM'S S-100 BUS master computer. Used in combination with the ICM CPZ-4800X MASTER SBC, the CPS offers a high throughput, high performance capability unmatched by any other master/slave combination available in the S-100 market today. 

The CPS was a Z80 based processor using either the Z80A, 4MHZ or Z80B, 6MHZ architecture. It was in full compliance with the IEEE 696.1/D2 S-100 bus standard. This slave processor could be used with any S-100 Z80A SBC with extended address capability. It could also be used as an intelligent I/O processor in a single user system or in a 16 bit architecture.  The CPS was offered with 64K RAM and 128K RAM options. The 128K board has been designed specifically for TURBODOS 1.3 applications. TurboDOS 1.3 supports 128K bank-switched memory on Z80 computers, two banks of 64K RAM. One bank holds the operating system and a large pool of disk buffers. Almost all of the other bank (except the topmost 1K) was available of user programs. This 63K transient program area (TPA) give applications significantly more space the on previous TurboDOS versions. Under TurboDOS 1.3, processing of console I/O functions was now more that twice as fast as before. This results in greatly improved performance with console-intensive applications such as WordStar. The 64K board was compatible with CP/NET and TurboDOS 1.22 & 1.3.

Using the CPS in a DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS (DMA) mode, as available with the CPZ master, resulted  in memory transfer that is 300% faster than the typical I/O mapped architecture. DMA relieved the master and slave CPU's of memory allocation code, bypassing them completely to do memory transfers. DMA also allowed memory transfer in 128 byte blocks rather than the standard byte by byte transfer method.

The CPS can be used as a MEMORY MAPPED SLAVE using the MEMORY MANAGEMENT UNIT (MMU) available on the IMS/ICM CPZ MASTER. A memory mapped slave was at least twice as fast as a standard I/O mapped slave. Memory mapping also eliminates expensive on-board hardware such as EPROM and FIFO buffers. Memory mapping allowed the master to download the Operating System and Application Software directly to the slave's memory eliminating the time and protocol code usually required by both the master's and slave's CPU's.

OPERATING SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY: The CPS was been specifically designed to operate under a TurboDOS OS. TurboDOS is compatible with virtually all off-the-shelf CP/M APPLICATION SOFTWARE. Since CP/M had been the standard 8-bit Operating System for a number of years, there were literally THOUSANDS of Application Software
Packages readily available.

The manual for this board can be obtained here.
Other IMS S-100 Boards
16K RAM   32K RAM    64K DRAM    80186 CPU    FDC 400    FDC 930    HDC    IO Board    Z80 CPU  
8K RAM   4 Line Serial     CPZ 4800   LANS100    CPS-Q6A   CPS-MX   CPX-BMX   QIC Tape Controller  Other Boards


This page was last modified on 12/08/2013