Seattle Computer Products -- 400B Multi-port Serial Card
The board was available from SCP in either 2 or 4
channel versions. Below is the 2 serial ports version. You could
add the extra chips later.

Each channel
was driven by an 8251A and thus was fully programmable in software.
There were four handshaking lines per channel , two input and two output.
Headers allow the board to be configuration as an RS-232 "modem" or a
"terminal'. Each channel had its own independent baud rate generator,
which could be set in software to any one of sixteen selectable baud rates
from 50 to 19200 baud. There was an eight level vectored interrupt
controller on board (an 8259A) to handle receive & transmit interrupt
requests from each channel. The interrupt controller could be
slaved to the SCP 8086 CPU Support Card for fully vectored operation or it
could be used in the "polled mode" retaining the interrupt masking and
priority rotation features of the interrupt controller.
The manual for this board may be
obtained here.
Seattle Computer Products
S-100 Boards
8086 CPU
8086 Support Board
16K (24-101)RAM
16K (107A)RAM 16KRAM
Serial IO
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