Morrow - SwitchBoard
This was a general purpose and popular
Interface Board.

This board was packed! With the
Switchboard, instead of several IO boards you had one great board. On
a single S-100 card you had:-
Two fully independent RS232/TTY
CURRENT LOOP serial ports with sixteen switch selectable baud rates, as well
as switchable stop bit length, parity enable, parity odd/even, and seven
or eight bit word length.
One SERIAL STATUS port with four
status bits for each serial port indicating receiver buffer full,
transmitter buffer empty, parity error and over-run error.
Four independent PARALLEL I/O ports:
32 lines switch selectable in groups of eight as input or latched output,
with an attention status bit for each group of eight lines.
One separate STATUS port with a
latched attention bit for each parallel port, switch selectable to latch on
a positive or negative pulse or level; with each attention status bit reset
automatically by an input reference to its associated port.
One separate STROBE port with eight
independent 500 nanosecond strobe lines, each switch selectable as a
positive or negative strobe.
Optionally 4K of 2114 static RAM
guaranteed to run at 4MHZ.
PHANTOM DISABLE switch selection to
allow PHANTOM line to disable on board RAM and EPROM.
Room for 4K of 2708 EPROM to
boot! Wait states insertable!
The board used a block of 8 I/O ports
switchable to any 8 byte boundary. The board could hold up to 4 2708
EPROMS addressable at any 4K boundary.
The very clear and well written manual
for this board can be obtained
Morrow S-100 Boards
Disk Jockey FDC
Multi I/O
Z80 Board
Hard Disk Controller
HDC-DMA Controller
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