and the original DRI work was mostly done on a VAX..
I think Alcyon is still around.
The original CP/M-68K was developed on a motorola development system.
I know because I was working on the 8" floppy format program for the Harris
CP/M-80 system, and Bob Herlein came to me asking for help with Forth
because the boot loader on the motorola was forth. I was honored of course
to be asked anything by Bob.
He one one of the principle authors of DR-NET, and was brilliant as far as I
was concerned.
The original DRI C was the work of Gary and Michael (of MT+ fame).
Later they hired a bevy of language folks and came up with the subsequent
versions that were based on the common back end technology (CLEAR).
Very nice of you, Douglas. My understanding is that Alycon C was a DRI
compiler that was included with CP/M-68K (also used on at least the
ST) and was used to compile CP/M-68K itself on some other host machine
(possibly a VAX).
I have an operational, but OS-less, 68K machine here based on all
boards, using a monitor of my own devising. If I come up with any
methods for getting CP/M-68K running on my system, I'll be sure to share
them here.
The way I got CP/M-80 going on my IMSAI was to compile original CP/M-80
source into a binary using DRI's ASM, then use my monitor to upload that
binary directly into memory. Other routines in my monitor then wrote
out the binaries to floppy or hard disk to make them bootable. I plan
on using the same method with CP/M-68K since I'm translating my IMSAI
8080 monitor over to the 68K machine, and they share many of the same
Btw, the reason I compiled original source instead of using CompuPro
binaries was simply to enjoy the satisfaction of going through the
whole process. Comparing the CompuPro binaries with the compiled source
binary of course yielded identical results... so working with source is
a matter of personal preference.
- John
Douglas Goodall wrote:
I will ask a friend of mine who wrote CP/M-68K if they are still available.
On Dec 28, 2011, at 11:24 AM, wrote:
Hi, Mike. Do you know if there's any docs available online for Alcyon C?
Mike wrote:
The port of the Alcyon C compiler to linux that I am working on has a
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