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Ithaca Intersystems was originally called Ithaca Audio. They started making S-100 boards a little later than a few others, but soon made a name for themselves in terms of clean design and board capabilities. They were located in Ithaca, New York and in the early years drew on engineering talent from Cornell University where the founders worked in a small rented space in the Collegtown neighborhood adjacent to the university campus. They went on to produce an S-100 bus, Z80-based computer the called the Ithaca Intersystems DPS-1. It was well accepted  and so the  company moved to larger spaces outside of town, and designed and produced a larger system, the Zilog Z8002-based DPS-8000. This used the Coherent Unix operating system. Unfortunately the company was not successful in the 1980s, not being part of the domination IBM PC and PC clones revolution.

Intersystems DSP-1


InterSystems S-100 Boards
64K Dynamic RAM    8K RAM   EPROM   IA-Display   FDC   IO-Card    Z80-Series-II    Z80     ADDA Board   EPROM Burner
FPB   256K Dynamic RAM   16-64K EPROM  HDA   Z80-Series_III   6-SIO   EPROM Emulator  RTC Board



This page was last modified on 12/21/2019