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Intersystem's 64K Dynamic RAM Card.
This was a later Intersystem's EPROM Board. It is possibly one of the best S-100 EPROM boards made. It was extremely powerful with all the requirements of the IEEE-696 standard implemented. The only other comparable EPROM board would be the DRC 128K ROM/RAM Board.

16-64K EPROM Board

The Ithaca Intersystem's EPROM Memory board was a versatile microcomputer memory module designed for 8-bit or 16-bit S-100 bus systems. It provided up to 64 Kbytes, or as little as 1 Kbyte, of non-volatile EPROM storage in any S-10O system. There were two assembled versions of the EPROM Memory board.

The EP64 accommodated any of the following EPROMs: 2508, 2758, 2516, 2716, 2532, and 2732.

The EP16 accepted the old 2708 EPROMs and with hardware modification by the user, T.I. 2716 EPROMs.

Modification of the EP 16 board is described in section 3.0 of the manual.

Board Features include the following:-
    16 EPROM capacity; arranged as two banks of eight EPROMs.
    Each bank of the EP64 is independently configurable to accept either :-
            2508, 2516, 2716, 2532, 2732, or 2758  EPROMs or  compatible  ROMs.
    Each bank was independently addressable to any bank-sized boundary in the 16 Byte memory address space.
    The  phantom facility allowed the board to overlap system memory.
    EPROMs may be accessed in pairs for 16-bit data transfer.
    EPROMs  may  be  disabled   in  pairs.
    From 0  to 4 wait  states are jumper selectable, allowing operation in 6 MHz systems.
    The EP64 board may be configured for either fast access  time or low power consumption.

The manual for this board (with schematic) can be obtained here.

Other Intersystem's S-100 Boards

64K Dynamic RAM    8K RAM   EPROM   IA-Display   FDC   IO-Card    Z80-Series-II    Z80
   ADDA Board   EPROM Burner 
FPB   256K Dynamic RAM   16-64K EPROM
  HDA   Z80-Series_III   6-SIO  EPROM Emulator  RTC Board


This page was last modified on 10/25/2013