CompuPro - CPU Z
The CPU-Z was
CompuPro's main S-100 Bus CPU for a long time.

The board features on-board PROM
sockets (2716's or 2732's), a power-on-jump circuit to any 256 byte boundary, a
Memory Manager to extend the addressing range of the system from 64K-bytes to a
maximum of 16M-bytes of system RAM, fully maskable vectored interrupts to speed
up system throughput by eliminating polling loops, and wait state generation
circuitry for all machine cycles. Other features standard to all CompuPro boards
include thorough bypassing of all supply lines to suppress transients, on board
regulators, and low power Schottky-TTL and MOS technology integrated circuits
for reliable, cool operation. The board had a very "clean" electronic
layout and in many cases went well pass the 4 MHz with newer Z80's, though the
board allowed the option of adding only one wait state to I/O, RAM or the on board
The manual for this board can be found
Some extra information
configiuring this board.
Normall you will want to use the board with 2732 EPROMS. There are some
things in the manual that are not clear...
Jumpers J2 (for 2732's) should be B (the middle position) to C.
Jumper J4 should be connected.
Jumper J5 (for 2732's) should be A-B.
I have Switch 1 positions 1,2,3,4, and 6 on and 5,6,&7 off.
Switch S2 sets the Reset/POC jump address. I have the Monitor at 0F000H so
positions 1,2,3,4 on, the rest off.
The monitor ROM will reside at address F000H, so switch S3 positions
1,2,3,&4 are OFF. (4 must be off in spite of what the manual says)
Since I jump to the onboard EPROM switch 3 position 5 is off. (If you have
an external S-100 EPROM board it is on).
S3 positions 6&7 are on and 8 off.
Most important for 2732 EPROMS is the socket location. PROMS on even
boundries (0H, 2000H, 4000H...) have to be in the "LOW" socket. EPROMS
located on odd boundaries (1000H,3000H...F000H) have to be in the "High"
socket. The manual does not tell you this!
Be carefull with the extended addressing. Sure you can set the adderss
linea A16-23 but if you use 64K RAM boards in 64K chunks you will blow
yourself out of the water with the switch. You have to have some common RAM
not switched. The Intersystems window approach is better I think, see
Also see our own board described on this site
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