CompuPro - PC Video
CompuPro did nor really go into the
video S-100 board area. They preferred to communicate with serial ports/CRT's.
This entirely made sense in multiuser situations. The did make one
interesting board, possibly the last S-100 board CompuPro (or Viasyn as they
were called then) produced. It was an IBM PC compatible video board.
I can find
very little information about this board. If you can provide pictures of a
manual I will place it here for others to review.

The board was centered around a MC 6845
video chip. It provided all the functionality
of both the monochrome graphics adapter and the color graphics adapter
boards as designed for use with the original IBM PC. CompuPro provided BIOS
support for this board in OS versions as old as CP/M 8-16, allowing it to be
used as the “console” for these older DRI operating systems. However, the
real utility for this board came with the introduction of MS-DOS application
support in later versions of DRI’s Concurrent CP/M and Concurrent DOS.
The very detailed and extensive manual (114 pages) can be obtained
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