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Wameco - Z80 Board
This was a rather late arrival amongst S-100 Z80 boards. The board was fairly straightfoward with no "extras".



The board came out in 1981.  It ran at 2 or 4 MHz.  The only unusual feature was the Power on Jump could be to any 256 byte boundry. The circuitry was well laid out with careful attention to detail to get the S-100 bus signals right.  Noise filtering caps were used in places.
The (very short) manual for this board may be obtained here


Other Wameco S-100 Boards
32K RAM    8K RAM    8080 CPU   Z80  FPB   EPM-2  IO Board  MEM-2 Board  FDC Board  Other Boards


This page was last modified on 06/26/2015