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Wameco - 32K RAM Board
This was a nice clean well laid out S-100 RAM board.

Wameco 32K RAM    

The board came out in 1981 so it had 24 bit address decoding.  It was addressable or any 8K boundary. Up to 4 wait states could be placed on the XRDY or PRDY lines for slow RAM chips.  There was bidirectional bussing on either the DI or DO data lines so two boards could be used for a 16 bit bus. Interesting hefty voltage regulators with carbon voltage dropping resistors!  The board was actually made by MIKOS engineering -- the group that also made Solid State Music boards.
The manual for this board may be obtained here


Other Wameco S-100 Boards
32K RAM    8K RAM    8080 CPU   Z80  FPB   EPM-2  IO Board  MEM-2 Board  FDC Board  Other Boards


This page was last modified on 06/26/2015