Lomas Data Products History
This was an 8086 board which also had both the 8087 and 8089 math and I/O
co-processors on the board.

Lomas Data Products was one of the first vendors to advertise 8086 and 8088
CPU boards for the S-100 bus when those processor chips became available.
While the 8086 supplied with this board was capable of running at an 8 MHz
clock rate, the board came set up to operate with a 5 MHz clock, since that
was the fastest available speed for the accompanying 8087 chip.
The Lomas "Lightning One" had a great many options. It was full
compatibility with existing 8-bit memories and peripherals, as well as true
16-bit systems with 16-bit memory for maximum speed. Jumper options
were provided to run the board with a 4, 5, 8 or 10 MHz main clock, so the
board can be set up for all the then currently available chip speeds.
There was an 8259A interrupt controller and two 28-pin sockets capable of
accommodating two 2716, 2732 or 2764 EPROMs on board. Using two 2764s, you
could have up to 16K of on-board firmware. There was the usual
vector interrupt capability which could be expanded to 65. The board
came with a simple "Zapple like" monitor in the onboard ROM.
I do not currently have a manual. If you wish to donate one (or a
color picture) please let
me know.
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