Dual Systems -- DMAM-256KP 256K RAM Board
This was Dual's main RAM board in their 68000 systems.
I am looking for a better image of this board.
If you have one please let me know.

The board had a full 256K of dynamic RAM on board as 64K X 1 chips. It
could in fact be addressed as 2 independent 128K byte regions. The board was
completely IEEE-696 compatible. It ran at 4MHZ on both 8 and 16 bit
systems utilizing 230 nanosecond RAM's with no bus wait states. There
was parity error checking for each byte. errors could generate a pulse or
level interrupt or could pull down the S-100 bus general error signal
(pin98). Data transfers could be 8 or 16 bits wide.
Later Dual extended this board to accommodate 265K dynamic RAM chips to
yield a 1M RAM board. They called this board the EMEM-1MB.
I am also looking for the manual for this board. If you have one
please let me know.
Other Dual Systems
S-100 Boards
68000 CPU
256K RAM
Clock Board
Analog-to Digital
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