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Salota - 2S+P I/O Board
This was a nice two serial and one parallel port I/O board. 

Salpota 2S+P

The board had circuitary for RS232 or 20mA current loop for both serial ports. Baud rates were from 75 Baud up to 19200 Baud. The serial ports were driven by two  8251's. The parallel port was a 8255 (only one port was available for external I/O).
The board also had an interrupt timer circuit.

The schematic for this board can be obtained here
The manual (unfortunately in Gernman), can be obtained here.


Other Salota S-100 Boards
Z80 CPU    32K RAM    FDC    2S+P    


This page was last modified on 10/25/2013