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PMMI -- VT1 Modem
This was a specilized speech synthesis board to allow long distance dial tome control of a computer over the phone lines. Acknowledgement of received commands came aback as voice sounds.

PMMI VT1 Modem

The MM-VT1 was an IEEE 696/S-100 compatible telecommunications device which allowed a remote user to interface effectively with a microcomputer over the telephone line without the need of any kind of terminal device. All that was required was a Touch-Tone telephone so that the user can use the pad to key in data or instruc­tions. The MM-VT1 could prompt the user and acknowledge receipt of data via the onboard speech synthesizer. The PMMI MM-VT1, was a direct connect device, it interfaced directly to the phone line. It was approved by the FCC under Part 68 of the FCC rules. The MM-VT1 was also been verified under Part 15 of the FCC rules as a Class A computing device.

The MM-VT1 could bring new and powerful capabilities to your computer system. Now you could call your computer and receive inventory, alarm or status information from any Touch-Tone phone. The MM-VT1 was suited especially well for remote computer locations where automatic calling and reporting capability was a must. Remote control of equipment was easily implemented with the onboard parallel port. The board generated voice could give you positive feedback on system or equipment performance and keep you informed on the progress of commands you've previously entered on the Touch-Tone pad.

The onboard speech synthesizer used was a phoneme-type with unlimited vocabulary. With PMMI's software, you could easily create your own vocabulary to suit your own special needs. Inflection of speech was adjusted through software to one of four levels for each phoneme. The starting inflection was continuously adjustable from a growl to a 'Mickey Mouse' sound using the adjustment marked "VP" on the board.

The Touch-Tone encoder and decoder generated and receive all 16 tones including A, B, C and D, which are not on the normal Touch-Tone phone, but are part of the standard DTMF (dual tone multifrequency) frequencies. Data reliability and integrity was extremely high using the DTMF technique. The board also had ample sensitivity to detect tones in most every application. The MM-VT1 board came optionally without the speech synthesizer and parallel port for applications which only required Touch-Tone sending and receiving.

The board required 4 IO ports which could be on any 4 byte boundary.

The manual for this board can be obtained here.


Other PMMI  S-100 Boards
MM-103 Modem    Bell 212A Modem     VT1 Modem


This page was last modified on 10/25/2013