California Computer Systems -
2718 Serial IO Board
This was an extremely well designed
board. Very useful. Unfortunately I cannot locate a good image. If you have one
please let me know.

The CCS Model 2718 was a highly flexible
I/O interface board featuring two serial ports and two parallel ports, with full
handshaking for each port. Of the serial ports, one is asynchronous (a UART),
while the other can be programmed to be synchronous or asynchronous (a USART).
Both provide considerable format selectability, the UART through hardware, the
USART through software. The interface for each serial port conformed to the EIA
RS-232-C specifications, while each parallel port included a full four-line
handshaking scheme, with jumpers allowing selection of the sense polarity of the
individual lines. The base addresses of the serial ports, the parallel ports,
and an optional (user-supplied) 2K ROM were jumper-selectable.
The manual for this board
is currently unavailable. If you would like to donate a copy please
let me know.
The schematic for the board can be
obtained here.
It looks like the was a later upgrade of this board called the CCS 2718A.
Here is a picture of that board. I is quite a different board.
The well written manual for this board
can be obtained
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