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An SPI Master Controller Interface Demo using a Cyclone IV FPGA.
We will now go up a notch in circuit complexity we will add to our S100 bus FPGA Prototype board. Here we will construct an FPGA SPI interface and use it to communicate with a simple chip Digital Potentiometer.  This is a simple IC device which outputs a voltage level (in this case),  from
0-5V, depending on an 8 bit value of 0 to FFH sent to it over a simple 4 wire SPI connection.

Introduction SPI
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication interface used for short distance communication.  It is primarily used in embedded systems. The interface was developed by Motorola in the mid 1980s. Typical applications include SD cards and LCD displays. SPI devices communicate in a full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture with a single master. The master device originates the frame for both writing and reading to/from the slave(s). Multiple slave devices can be supported through selection with individual slave select (SS) lines.   SPI is minimally a four-wire serial bus.
    SPI Diagram
To begin communication, the bus master starts the clock, using a frequency supported by the slave device. Typically this can be in the 100's of KHz range. The master then selects the appropriate slave device by lowering that slaves SS input. If a waiting period is required, such as in for an analog-to-digital conversion, the master must wait for at least that period of time before issuing clock cycles.  This has to be agreed upon in the programming software. The master then sends a bits on the MOSI line and the slave reads them. At the same time the slave sends bits on the MISO line to the master. This sequence is maintained even when only one-directional data transfer is intended.
Its important to appreciate two things.
1.   The sending and receiving data to/from the slave is completely linked. There is just one loop like circuit with two shift registers (see below).
2.   The actual data format is completely determined by the software in the master and slave.  The number of bits transmitted can be 8, 16, 32 etc.  In theory any number.  

Most commonly,  the data is in 16 bit packages.  The first 8 bits are used to control the device, the second 8 bits are the actual data.   However its very important to appreciate that the protocol is completely fluid. You must carefully read the SPI device datasheet to determine the exact nature of the interface and what each bit in a CMD code does.  Worse, the master must also configure the clock polarity and phase with respect to the data. Motorola SPI specification names these two options as CPOL and CPHA respectively, and most vendors have adopted that convention. Getting into the weeds:-

CPOL=0 is a clock which idles at 0, and each cycle consists of a pulse of 1.
CPOL=1 is a clock which idles at 1, and each cycle consists of a pulse of 0.
CPHA=0, the slave captures the data on the leading edge of the clock cycle.

CPHA=1, the slave captures the data on the trailing edge of the clock cycle.

When the transmission is complete, the master stops toggling the clock signal, and typically deselects the slave.
On the slave side of things we will use a very simple SPI device,  a Microchip MCP42010 Digital Potentiometer
We will use the PDIP Dual version:-  
     Microchip Pinout
In the FPGA code below, depending on the 8 bit value fed (via the SPI connection) to pin 3, a voltage value ranging from 0 to about 5V will appear on pin 9 (and 6).   While not needed in this case,  it is interesting to note that the basic clock signal is a high frequency, running in this case at 400 KHz.

The FPGA SPI Code.
There are numerous examples of building a FPGA SPI interface on the web.   As a beginner, frankly I found a number of them overly complex and/or confusing.   Fortunately I discovered a simple and well explained example by Scott Larson here.  In that example the SPI FPA code is in VHDL.  Fortunately the code was designed using Quartus II.  So in line with all our previous examples we simply take VHDL code and convert it to a block diagram (a .bdf file).    To recap,  we do this by loading up the VHDL text file (spi_3_wire_master.vhd) and from the file menu drop down to Create/Update, Create a symbol file. The new symbol file module will then be in the Project dropdown menu.
Here is the core of the
spi_3_wire_master bdf module:-  

There are a number of simple inputs to the module:-
clock 1 in   System clock.
reset_n 1 in   Asynchronous active low reset.
enable 1 in   High: latches in settings, address, rw, command, and data to initiate a transaction
 Low: no transaction is initiated.
cpol 1 in   SPI clock polarity setting.
cpha 1 in   SPI clock phase setting.
clk_div 32 in   Speed setting.  The integer input is the number of system clocks per 1/2 period of sclk.
addr 32 in   Address of target slave.  The slaves are assigned addresses starting with 0.
rw 1 in   High: the transaction is a write, Low: the transaction is a read.
tx_cmd 8 in   Command to transmit.
tx_data 8 in   Data to transmit.
sclk 1 buffer   SPI clock.
ss_n 32 buffer   Slave select signals.
sdio 1 inout   Serial data signal.
busy 1 out   Busy / data ready signal.
rx_data 8 out   Data received from target slave.
This is a nice very adaptable SPI module. Overkill for our demo here. Most of the signals are fairly obvious.
clk_div is an input that can be up to 32 bits wide to be used as the clock input divider.  Here (and often) we simply deliver the final clock signal directly so (clk_div = 0). In our case 400KHz is  generated in out PLL frequency generator.  See the top of the .bdf file entry.   Likewise the number of slave devices is a 32 bit input.  We will use just 1 slave device.  We will use an 8 bit input for SPI control commands (tx_cmd), and also an 8 bit input for data (tx_data).  In this simple example we will not actually be using data returned from the SPI slave.

It important to appreciate that the way this module works is that the cmd and data inputs (8 bits each) much first be latched and stable as inputs to the module.  The actual SPI transmission then takes place when
enable is pulsed low.  However its essential this pulse only occurs on the rising edge of the clk input.  In order to insure this,  we need the following logic:-
The S100 port write signal (
pWR*) is narrow and unsynchronized with the 400KHz clock signal.  We must latch it and pass it on to the SPI module as enable on the next rising edge of the 400KHz clock signal.  While not used here, one would do the same for SPI data reads.

We will use four S100 bus ports to interface and control the SPI interface. We will use a 74139 library module to brake up the address lines
A0 and A1 into 3 port selects. 68H, 69H, 6AH.   In our .bdf file we will use port 68H to provide a latched S100 bus output to the SPI tx_cmd input.   We will use port 69H to provide a latched S100 bus output to the SPI tx_data input.   We will then use port 6AH to pulse the enable signal. This will initiate the actual data transmission to the SPI slave.  The SPI module and slave device will actually require time to transmit the data. During this time the pi_3_wire_master busy line will go high.  This line can be read as bit 0 from input port 69H.  In our example below we will not require this since we are manually/slowly sending data to the SPI slave. However the signal is used to reset the above SPI_WRITE  FFs.

Set SW1 OPEN     (cpol HIGH)
(cpha LOW)
When the  Microchip MCP42010 Digital Potentiometer powers up the potentiometer will be in its mid position and we will see a voltage of ~2.5V on its pin 9.  We can drop this voltage to 1.25V by the following three Z80 monitor port output commands:-


You need to study the MCP42010 data sheet to see that BD selects both potentiometers with a data write.  
  Data sheet
If instead we sent
QO69,FF the voltage would be ~5V.

Let us take a logic probe and analyze the actual signals.  Here is an example triggered on Enable going high.
     DF40 SPI Capture
The cmd data is sent first. 8 bits,  bit 7 to bit 0. Each SPI bit is clocked in upon the rising edge of the SPI clock. 
The 8 data bits are sent. In this case
40H. Here is a picture of the actual board setup.

    Chip Picture
Here the simple board schematic
Again this is a very simple example of using our Cyclone IV to interface an SPI device. Please study the files below to understand completely what is going on.
One nice extra addition is to have the boards eight LED's display latch the data bytes sent to the
tx_cmd or tx_data ports.  Since the are two possible output ports we need to display the last byte sent. We do this using a 2:1 MUX as shown here.

Keep in mind that the Board_Reset FPGA  input pin is the S100 bus Slave Clear not the system wide Reset line

MCP42010.pdf                                            (V1.0 11/25/2018)
SPI_Master.ZIP                                          (V1.0 11//25/2018)

SPI_3_wire-master.vhd               (V1.0 11/19/2018)

This page was last modified on 12/26/2018