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A Basic FPGA PONG Game Code Example.
One thing FPGAs are good at is doing video circuits.  Simple video displays like a VGA display are essentially a series of counters.  Here we will use our FPGA Prototype board to send video to a VGA display.  The example we will use is a single paddle PONG game - a classic game from the late 70's.  The only hardware need is an output to the VGA monitor (5 lines) and two lines of input for the paddle control.  Here is a short video of the output.
Here is the hardware VGA Display connection/connector.

You will note that we use the same 8X2 pin connector we use on a number of our previous VGA boards (e.g. the 16 bit VGA MS Compatible board).  This allows you to use a DB15 VGA socket at the back of your S100 system.  Of course if you don't mind connection the VGA cable to the top of your FPGA board you could use a DB15 socket directly.
    VGA Connector   Paddle Connector
  Live Picture    
Everything else is programmed into the FPGA!

There are numerous examples of actual FPGA code for a VGA display on the web.  Many are somewhat elaborate and hard for a beginner to understand.  In the end I found the example on FPGA4Fun.com a "PONG Game" to be an excellent introduction. There are two parts. Generating the video output and imputing the paddle position.   The FPGA code is in Verilog in this case.  Since we will be using a
.bdf file we will take the pong_module.v file (see below) and from Quartus File menu "Create a Symbol File from the Current File".  This give us the core of our PONG.BDF file:-
     VGA_Pong Code

As is almost always the case with simple FPGA circuits like this the are many ways to program the chip.  In the above
pong.bdf file I have left in much of the S100 bus interface in case you wish to elaborate on the program later.

For a standard VGA display
VSync is 60 Hz and HSync is 31.5 KHz. 
Starting with a clock of 25 MHz the following Verilog code gets us there close enough:-

reg [9:0] CounterX;
reg [8:0] CounterY;
wire CounterXmaxed = (CounterX==767);

always @(posedge clk)
    CounterX <= 0;
 else   CounterX <= CounterX + 1;

always @(posedge clk)
     CounterY <= CounterY + 1;

We generate the HS and VS pulses from D flip-flop (to get glitch free outputs).

reg vga_HS, vga_VS;
always @(posedge clk)
  begin   vga_HS <= (CounterX[9:4]==0);   // active for 16 clocks  
  vga_VS <= (CounterY==0);                // active for 768 clocks

The VGA outputs need to be negative, so we invert the signals.

assign vga_h_sync = ~vga_HS;
assign vga_v_sync = ~vga_VS;

We generate a 25 MHz clock by modifying the Quartus supplied IP library PLL01. That library allows up to 4 clock outputs from our 50 MHz board clock input. 
See the top of the
PONG.BDF file.  You can check you are getting this frequency on P65,pin1.

Next we need to add code to take care of the paddle position.  Again there are many ways to do this. The nicest is to use a "Quadrature Decoder " rotary encoder switch such as this one from SparkFun (#09117).  These encoders provide two outputs that define relative position clockwise or counter-clockwise. 
Please see here for details (Incremental encoders). This picture from Wikipedia says it all.
   Decoder   Rotary Encoder

As you turn the knob you control the left/right movement of the paddle.  Watch the above video to see the control in action.

Pong Files Folder (.Zip Files)       
 (V1.0 10/17/2018)
PONG_module.v                          (V1.0 10/17/2018)