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THE LAST MEMORY was a high performance 64K memory board for 8 bit (only) S-100 systems. This board uses TMM 2016, MB8128, or equivalent static RAM's. The use of static RAM eliminated the timing and reliability problems associated with some dynamic RAM boards (using DMA etc). The 2K by 8 architecture of these RAM's allowed high density and low power consumption, a characteristic not found in most static memories up until that time. THE LAST MEMORY™ also accommodated 2716 type EPROM's in place of the RAM IC's with no modifications. Mixing RAM and EPROM the 2K by 8 static RAM and 2716 EPROM's are pin-for-pin compatible and could be located at any position on this board. However, caution had to be exercised when mixing RAMs and 2716a. The RAM's supplied have an access time of 150 nsec, allowing full speed operation with many 6 MHz processors. High speed versions of the 2716 were not available and since wait states are not generated by the board, system speed was limited by the speed of the 2716's used. If high speed operation was required, the Harris semiconductor HM7617 bipolar PROM could be used in place of the 2716 EPROM. This was a 60 nsec part, but it was not reprogrammable.
This page was last modified on 10/25/2013