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Cromemco 16K  KPR ROM Board 
This was the next extension of the popular 8K Bytesaver.


The board provided space for 16 2708 type 1024-byte erasable PROMs. The card could also be used with 2708 compatible ROM memory ICs, such as the 2308. Like other Cromemco memory cards, the 16KPR will operated at 2 or 4 MHz (user-selectable), without wait states, in the usual sequential addressing class of operation. The  16KPR included Cromemco Address Anticipation circuitry, which allows  virtually  full speed operation at  4 MHz. The 16 KPR also had Memory  Bank Select, a  feature that allows expansion of memory space beyond 64K bytes.    With bank select, memory space may be organized into 8 banks of 64K bytes each. Direct Memory Access Override  was another feature of the 16KPR that allows a DMA transfer to take place between any addresses in memory without regard to residence in a particular memory bank. The 16KPR provided ideal EPROM support  for the Cromemco Z-80 CPU card.
The manual for this card can be obtained here


Other Cromemco S-100 Boards
ZPU  SBC   4KRAM  16K RAM  64KZ RAM  64KZ-II RAM  256KRAM  8KBytesaver  Bytesaver-II  
16KPROM  32K Bytesaver  4FDC   16FDC  64FDC  WDI  WDI-II   STDC   DPU
4PIO   8PIO   TU-ART  D+7A I/O   Dazzler  PRI   GPIB Board   XMU  XXU  Other Boards


This page was last modified on 10/25/2013