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Comparisons Between a Z80 and 8080 CPU
Below is a a detailed discussion about the differences
between a Z80 and 8080 CPU as describe in the SD-Systems Z8800 Z80 manual.
It is brief but well done. The instruction set of the Z-80 is divided into 8
groups. Different groups of instructions are discussed in turn.
Load and Exchange Group
The load instructions cause data to be transferred from a
source location to a specified destination. All load instructions must
specify both a source and a destination. No changes are made to the data
source. In every case except loading the accumulator from either the I or
the R registers, the status flags are not modified. In addition to the
load instructions there are six exchange instructions. Two of these
exchange the HL register pair with either the DE register pair or the memory
location pointed to by the SP register. These two instructions are common
to 8080A instruction set. Two new exchange type instructions have been
added to the Z-80 instruction set. One type exchanges either the IX
register or the IY register with the memory location specified by the SP
register. The second instruction type exchanges either the AF register
pair with its alternate or the BC, DE and HL register pairs with their
alternates. This last instruction type is very valuable in fast context
switch applications such as interrupt processing. A final pair of
instruction types are the PUSH and POP instructions. These instructions
allow the contents of any register pair to be copied onto or loaded from a
downward growing stack. These instructions are the same as those in the
8080A except that they are expanded to include the IX and IY registers.
Block Move and Block Search Group
The second instruction group, the block move and block search
instructions, make up a totally new set of instructions. This group of
instructions provides the Z-80 with the most powerful set of string manipulation
instructions available on any currently available microprocessor. All
instructions within this group use one or all of the following register pairs
during execution. The HL pair is the source location pointer; the DE pair
is the destination location pointer; and the BC pair is the byte counter.
Four block move instructions are provided in the Z-80 instruction set:
LDI, LDIR, LDD, and LDDR. The LDI instruction takes a byte of data from
the source location and deposits it in the destination location. The HL
and DE register pairs are then incremented and the BC pair is decremented.
The LDIR instruction works in exactly the same manner except that instruction
execution is repeated until BC is equal to zero. The LDD and LDDR
instructions work in analogous manners to the LDI and LDIR instructions except
that the HL and DE register pairs are decremented rather than incremented.
Arithmetic and Logical Group
The third group of instructions, the arithmetic and logical
instructions, are divided into three basic subgroups. Subgroup one is the
eight bit arithmetic and logical operations. Subgroup two is the general
purpose AF operations. Subgroup three is the sixteen bit arithmetic
The general purpose AF register pair operations are the same
as those in the 8080A except for the addition of the NEG instruction and the
modification of the DAA instruction to take into account a decimal adjust after
a subtraction operation. The NEG is an instruction not found in the 8080A.
It performs a single instruction two's complementing operation on the
accumulator. This replaces the complement and increment operations
necessary in the 8080A.
Rotate and Shift
A powerful series of instructions are contained in the fourth
instruction group. In the 8080A, all rotates occurred with the accumulator
as operand. The Z-80 uses the same four rotate operations but allows any
eight bit register or memory location to be directly manipulated. For
memory operations, the location is specified either by HL or by one of the index
registers plus a displacement. The Z-80 also contains a shift left
operation and two shift right operations. The shift operations use the
same operands as the rotate instructions and provide a useful tool for a wide
variety of applications. Also unique to the Z-80 are two instructions
which allow a BCD digit to be rotated out of or into a memory location to or
from the less significant four bits of the accumulator. This is a
tremendous aid in BCD arithmetic. The operand, specified by the HL
register pair may be rotated either left or right.
The fifth instruction group, bit manipulation group, contains
three instruction types. These instruction types allow any bit located in
any general purpose register or memory location to be set, reset or tested.
The zero flag records the result of a bit test. No flags are effected by
the set and reset operations.
The sixth instruction group contains the jump, call and
return instruction type. All of the instructions within this group
manipulate the sixteen bit PC register. The jump instruction type may be
either an unconditional or conditional jump. The conditional jump tests
the status of the carry, parity/overflow, zero and sign flags within the flag
register. The jump instruction type uses one of three addressing modes. These
modes (Absolute, Relative, or Register Indirect) allow for a choice of
instruction types to meet any requirement. The Absolute addressing mode of
a jump instruction type loads the PC register with the two bytes of data
immediately following the Opcode of the jump. This mode exists in the 8080A.
The Relative addressing mode for a jump type instruction is
new in the Z-80. This instruction is a two byte instruction in which the
second byte is a signed two compliment displacement which is added to the PC
register to form the new execution address. This addressing mode allows the most
common types of jumps such as loops and conditional jumps around short blocks of
code to be accomplished with two instead of three bytes of code. When using this
instruction type, calculate all displacements from the start of the next
instruction. The relative addressing range is +129 to -126 bytes as
measured from the jump instruction Opcode. This instruction type is not
found in the 8080A.
Register Indirect type of jump instruction causes the
contents of the PC register to be unconditionally replaced by the contents of
the HL register pair, IX or IY. For table driven systems and other
software applications in which the final execution address is calculated
dynamically, this instruction type is essential. This instruction type is
an expansion of the original 8080A instruction equivalent.
A second member of this instruction group is the Call type
instruction. A call instruction pushes the memory location of the instruction
immediately following the CALL onto the stack and then branches to the specified
address. The Z-80 implements two types of Call instructions. The
first type is the RST instruction. This one byte instruction allows a very
convenient way to call commonly used subroutines such as I/O routines. The RST
instruction causes execution control to be transferred to one of eight locations
in the 64 byte memory. This instruction functions just as the equivalent
instruction operates in the 8080A.
The second type of call instruction is the CALL. CALL
is a three byte instruction in which the second and third bytes specify the
subroutine start address. The CALL instruction exists as either an unconditional
or a conditional call just as in the case of the jump type instruction, these
are found in the 8080A.
The last member of this instruction group is the return type
instruction. This is a single byte instruction and pops the return address
from the top of the stack. Three types of return instructions are implemented on
the Z-80. Two of these, RETI and RETN, are defined as a return from maskable
interrupt and nonmaskable interrupt routines respectively. These returns
automatically re-enable interrupt processing so that a separate interrupt
enable instruction is unnecessary. These are not found in the 808OA.
The third type of return, RET, is a general purpose
subroutine return and exists in both a conditional and unconditional form. This
type of instruction is also found in the 8080A.
Input/Output Group
The Z-80 has a considerably expanded set of I/O type
instructions. In addition to the input and output instructions which use the
accumulator as the data destination or source, the Z-80 has two additional I/O
modes. The first mode takes the I/O port address from the C register and loads
data into or out of any register except the C register. In the case of an input
into the C register with the port address contained in the C register, only the
flag register is effected. This allows flags to be tested without disturbing any
register. The register indirect I/O instructions are not found in the
The second I/O mode is a block transfer type instruction.
These instructions take the port address from the C register, the byte count
from the B register and the destination/source address from the HL register
pair. These block transfer instructions allow either incrementing memory
addressing or decrementing memory addressing and also allow either repeat until
the B register is equal to zero or no repeat. With this mode of instruction up
to 256 bytes of data may be transferred with extreme ease. The block
transfer instructions are not found in the 8080A.
CPU Control Group
This instruction group contains those instructions which are
used to establish the state of the CPU. The NOP instruction effects no
register and is used to delete an instruction or group of instructions without
re-assembling the code. It also is used to provide space for expansion of
code. The HALT instruction causes the CPU to begin executing internally
generated NOP instructions until the CPU is reset or until an interrupt request
is received This instruction does not effect the memory refresh operations of
the CPU. The DI and EI instructions disable and enable respectively the
maskable interrupt.
The final group of three instructions set up the interrupt
response modes. The Z-80 has three interrupt response modes. The
first mode, mode zero, allows the interrupting device to jam any instructions
onto the data bus and the CPU will execute it. This mode is the default
mode and is the same interrupt response as the 8080A.
Mode one is a simplified interrupt mode in which the CPU will
automatically execute an RST to location 56 in response to an interrupt request.
This mode requires no special interrupt processing hardware external to the
The third mode, mode two, is the most powerful interrupt
processing mode. When an interrupt request is received, the CPU will
accept an eight bit address from the interrupting device. These bits form the
lower order bits of an interrupt vector table address. The high order bits
are taken from the I register. Once the CPU has formed this address, the
contents of location pointed to by that address and the next location are loaded
into the PC register after the current PC register contents are pushed onto the
stack. This allows up to 128 interrupt processing routines to be directly
addressed. This facility is the most powerful interrupt processing scheme
currently available on any microprocessor.