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Re: [N8VEM-S100:5464] MINI-FP and 8080 CPU

Hi Josh,
  Yes that was with the latest firmware & I was still having problems.  I can always get MBASIC from an archive disk but I included it since you asked.  I had a harder time finding an xmodem program as it appeared that the programs had to be recompiled to use with a particular system.  Martin Eberhard uploaded an xmodem transfer program to the retro-restore Yahoo group that uses a text file for configuration so I was going to try that one first.

On 10/29/2014 4:49 PM, Crusty OMO wrote:
Hi Jeff,

Thanks,  did you download the latest version of the firmware?  I had a "stack" issue that would prevent simple things like changing to B, C or D drives.

I will look around for MBASIC and XMODEM programs.


Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 12:35:38 -0400
From: jgal...@optonline.net
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:5463] MINI-FP and 8080 CPU
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com

Hi Josh,
  I tried transferring  files but I was still having problems with the CP/M disk image even after using your updated files.  It's been over a month since I messed with it but I was still having problems with the system hanging after file transfer, directory not getting updated & stuff like that (if I recall correctly). I do realize that it is a distinct possibility