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Re: V3 Dual IDE/CF S100 Bus board initial checks

On Saturday, June 27, 2015 at 2:10:53 PM UTC-7, Jeff Albrecht wrote:
I'm checking in with a progress report 

After weeks of other projects and a holiday getting in the way of my IDE/CF v3 build I'm back at it. I decided to give the board another look for proper components oriented correctly. I decided to open the schematic and other files in KiCad.

I have some experience with PCB having used fritzing for a toner transfer at home, and Diptrace for a small production at OSHPark. This is pretty much my first experience with KiCad. I ran a few tutorials. It looks pretty good.

I've installed Kicad version 'Build: (after 2015-mar-04 BZR unknown)-product wxWidgets 3.0.2' ... 'unknown' rather a bizarre version number to me, I don't remember where I downloaded but felt not to confident I had the most recent stable version. Although looking at some of the files in the IDE/CF .zip they have similar version naming.

I downloaded http://s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/IDE%20Board/IDE%20Final%20V3%20KiCAD%20Files.zip

When I opened the s100_IDE.pro I received the following notices: The following libraries were not found: And other notices about how footprints are setup.

C:\Users\John Monahan\Documents\S100\PC Boards\IDE Board\V3.0 Board\D24V25F5




I wanted to check the value of resistors. I opened the s100_IDE.brd file. It looks to be a version prior to the board I purchased. On the silk screen of the .brd file I read John Monahan (9 Feb 2015). My physical board has (28 May 2015)

The date on the .sch file matches the .pdf on the IDE/CF page. 

Is a matching .brd file available for the 28 May 2015 boards?
Looks like I don't need the 'missing' libraries to open the .brd file but are they available? Or hidden in the differences between my KiCad version and the one used to produce the board?

 - jeffa KF7CRU @jhalbrecht / @TheRetroWagon