Here is where I am at.
I have finished building the serial I/O board. I followed the build procedure on the s100computers web site. No problem booting up my Z80 when the board is mounted. I then ran MYIO.COM from CP/M to run the loop test. Unfortunately the loop test failed at the 38400 baud setting. However the test worked fine at all rates up to 19200.
I used TeraTerm on my PC with the serial port A connected to a com port of the PC. I wired the connection as described in web site. I crossed TXD to RXD, and CTS to RTS and tied DSR,DCD, and DTR together.
Unfortunately I was not able to try any file transfer because the system initializes to 38400 when I boot up. If I use MYIO to change the baud rate I don't know how to exit CP/M and go back to the monitor program without a reboot.
Any help would be great.
On Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 6:04:15 PM UTC-4, wrote:
Hi everyone.
I am building the serial I/O board - version 2(?). This board has three parts - voice synthesizer, DLP USB adaptor, and Z85C80 CSS UART. I have just finished building the serial I/O part using the Z85C80 and I haven't been able to get it to function. I know that these boards are out there so I am hoping that I can get some advice on setting up the UART. I am using only Serial port A and connecting it to a terminal emulator on my PC (TeraTerm). My basic s100 system is the Z80 board, 4M RAM board, and the propeller I/O. With the serial I/O board on the buss I am able to boot fine and I can evaluate the serial I/O board as explained in the s100computers documentation. However, I get nothing out of the serial port.
I have attached a picture of my board.
Any ideas would be great.