Hljr, sorry to hear of your problem. There is simply insufficient information below to really help. What ports are you using. What bit patterns show up. Do you see chip select signals (with a logic probe) going to the appropriate pins with a simple port input/output etc. etc.… Have you tried a close loop sending out on TXDA connected to RXDA reading in, and likewise TXDB connected to RXDB (removing the MAX chips). John From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of hlrj...@gmail.com Hi everyone. I am building the serial I/O board - version 2(?). This board has three parts - voice synthesizer, DLP USB adaptor, and Z85C80 CSS UART. I have just finished building the serial I/O part using the Z85C80 and I haven't been able to get it to function. I know that these boards are out there so I am hoping that I can get some advice on setting up the UART. I am using only Serial port A and connecting it to a terminal emulator on my PC (TeraTerm). My basic s100 system is the Z80 board, 4M RAM board, and the propeller I/O. With the serial I/O board on the buss I am able to boot fine and I can evaluate the serial I/O board as explained in the s100computers documentation. However, I get nothing out of the serial port. I have attached a picture of my board. Any ideas would be great. -- |