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setup for the serial I/O board?

Hi everyone.
I am building the serial I/O board - version 2(?). This board has three parts - voice synthesizer, DLP USB adaptor, and Z85C80 CSS UART. I have just finished building the serial I/O part using the Z85C80 and I haven't been able to get it to function.  I know that these boards are out there so I am hoping that I can get some advice on setting up the UART.  I am using only Serial port A and connecting it to a terminal emulator on my PC (TeraTerm). My basic s100 system is the Z80 board, 4M RAM board, and the propeller I/O. With the serial I/O board on the buss I am able to boot fine and I can evaluate the serial I/O board as explained in the s100computers documentation.  However, I get nothing out of the serial port.

I have attached a picture of my board.

Any ideas would be great.

Attachment: serialio.JPG
Description: JPEG image