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Re: [N8VEM-S100:7554] Re: A new Z80 based SBC to get beginners started on the S100 bus

Wow!  Just when I start thinking there's nothing else to build...

Just a thought, but can't the propeller handle a serial port or two?  Vince Briel's terminal runs two serial ports off of the propeller.  The Zeta accessory board also does this (and drives an SD card too).

- Gary

On 9/11/2015 1:06 PM, John Monahan wrote:
There was an outcry for a serial port.  These unfortunately take up board real estate badly.  I opted to add the (again well proven) USB port chip that we used on our Serial I/O board (http://s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/Serial%20IO%20Board/Serial%20IO%20Board.htm ).  This 18 pin “chip”  takes up little circuit room and actually is easier to interface to a PC than a serial port. USB the serial cables are also very common.