It definitely could, the problem is chip count Gary. You have to decode the port for the S100 bus, add status bits, then MAX voltage converters etc.
The current board (which Freerouter just completed today BTW), has in fact a few spare Propeller pins. This would make it possible via a keyboard control to change a few of its pins. For example switch the two 64K RAM blocks – not sure how useful that would be however.
We have an USB port, adding a classical serial port will just not fit if we stick with 74LSxx chips (i.e. no GAL’s). I will try and do a write-up with circuits etc. over the weekend for suggestions/comments etc.
From: [] On Behalf Of Gary Kaufman
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2015 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:7559] Re: A new Z80 based SBC to get beginners started on the S100 bus
Wow! Just when I start thinking there's nothing else to build...
Just a thought, but can't the propeller handle a serial port or two? Vince Briel's terminal runs two serial ports off of the propeller. The Zeta accessory board also does this (and drives an SD card too).
- Gary
On 9/11/2015 1:06 PM, John Monahan wrote:
There was an outcry for a serial port. These unfortunately take up board real estate badly. I opted to add the (again well proven) USB port chip that we used on our Serial I/O board ( ). This 18 pin “chip” takes up little circuit room and actually is easier to interface to a PC than a serial port. USB the serial cables are also very common.
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