I modified the AIRBLv23.asm to include the following as a visual confirmation that I burnt the .OBJ file to EEPROM prior to possible mods in the future.
LXI H,MSG1 ;System Start, Display Welcome Message
MSG1 .text "\r\nALTAIR/IMSAI 8080 CPU BOARD BOOT LOADER - Josh Bensadon (Jan 3, 2015)"
.text "\r\nFebruary 1 2015 jeffa burnt this ROM\r\n"
.text "\r\n<D> -Directory"
.text "\r\n<R> -RAM Test"
.text "\r\n<V> -View Load"
.text "\r\n> \000"
Unlike the boot from the ROM supplied with the board, this one came up as displayed in this image. Reset / Run appears a bit flaky compared to the delivered ROM. Perhaps there is a timing problem. It's a different menu than the ROM supplied. I was able to push R RAM Test once. It came up with an error. The boot wasn't consistent. Sometimes it appeared to default, without my keyboard entry, to a directory. I replaced the original ROM and the board acted normally, booted cp/m and verified RAM OK.
I simply made the change to the source, built with 'tasm -85 AIRBLv23.asm' in a FreeDOS virtual machine on my Windows 8.1 64bit notebook and burnt the ROM with the resultant .obj file.