Do a search on the web for the particular part; most earlier 2716s program with VPP=25V 50ms.
I'm pretty sure a TMS2716 will program with the same settings as the NSC2716.
You will see later 2716's that programmed at VPP=21V, and later ones that programmed at VPP=12V; in my experience the VPP=12V ones have an indication on the package like 'VPP=12'
You also need to be concerned with speed; a 400ns part such as the early Intel 2716 were 400ns and didn't have a speed indicated in the markings. -35 tends to be 350ns, -20 200ns etc.
There are also CMOS variants of EPROMs am NS2716 is an NMOS part; the NS27C16 is the CMOS equivalent; be careful if you go looking for datasheets as there can be programming differences between.
I have a ton of TMS2716s, NS2716s, STG, Intel etc. Overall they are all pretty interchangeable for programming.
Note that I use a GQ-4X as well; as I recall the TMS part is a Texas Instruments; you might find it under TI possibly as a TMS27C16
Hope this somewhat helps.
As a side note I worked at NSC from 1979-84 working specifically on EPROMs from the 2708 thru the 27C256 along with some work on DRAMs. I worked as both a parametric and functional test engineer. Anyone else recall programming in XINTOL, ATL30 or ATL77? :)
On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 1:30:30 PM UTC-7, Jeff Albrecht wrote:
In my drawers I found
TMS2716C - apparently not supported by GQ-4X
AM2716DC - Looks to be supported by GQ-4X as 'AM2716'
AM2732A-2DC - I found a setting for 'AM2732A' I wonder what the 2DC, missing from GQ device id, means?
What I'm reading is that the 2732 is pin compatible with the 2716. Comments?