Rich, I would be interested in the print spooler board. I do not have any info on it at the S100Computers web site. I would like to photograph it and get the manual/schematic up there. I may consider doing a new version of the board perhaps splicing elements of it with other odds and ends since RAM is small/cheap these days.
If somebody else needs it later I can pass it on to them.
Definitely don’t junk them. Don’t know of the “Objective Design VDU”. Is there a manual
From: [] On Behalf Of troyballard
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:110] Boards for Sale
If you do not have any other takers, I would gladly take the whole group. I just didnt want to seem greedy !!! I dont want to see them go the the recyclers, and I could really use a couple of the boards. From: Rich Leary <> Subject: [N8VEM-S100:106] Boards for Sale To: "N8VEM-S100" <> Date: Saturday, March 5, 2011, 11:39 AM
I have some S-100 boards for sale. I really only want the cost of shipping to be covered. If nobody is interested they are going to the recycling center.
Here they are:
a. SPOOL-Z-Q 100 - this has an onboard RAM buffer and drives a printer port. I have the manual and software needs are trivial - just write to a port. While I have not used this in a number of years it was in my S-100 system and was used to drive a dot matrix printer. Includes cable.
b. SD Systems PROM-100 - this is an EPROM burner for some EPROMs (I can check manual to see which ones if need be.). I have the original eight inch sw disk and manual. I have not tried to use this in many years so I am not sure of status.
c. Objective Design VDU. This board shows what I thought was bad stuff (corrosion) but the more I look at it I think it is transferred adhesive (e.g., duct tape adhesive). It is not on the board or IC leads just on the top of a few ICs. I did not initially find the manual but I think I have it. Early on in my S-100 experience this was my console output with input coming from a SWTPC keyboard into a parallel port.
d. Tarbell 1011A SD FDC (1771) with 8 inch drive connector. I can provide a copy of the manual and eight inch disk with BIOS etc.
e. Tarbell 1011D SD FDC (1771) with 5.25 inch drive connector. I can provide a copy of the manual and eight inch disk with BIOS etc.
f. Vector protoyping board with regulators and some wire wrap IC sockets installed. Early on I had used this for serial and parallel I/ O ports before I got my Interfacer IV.
If interested send me an email.
If you can not handle an eight inch diskette I can either fit stuff on a K2 or K4 diskette or ZIP the files into a ZIP file and email it to you.
Rich Leary