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Re: [N8VEM-S100:5053] Re: ARM CPU on the S100Bus-II
IF you have not seen FTDI's 5th generation FT232R series, USB to UART chips (FT232RL, FT232RQ)
they are fun to work with (and program) in updating old designs and interface solutions.
Interface board with 6-pin breakout, FT232RL
Complete breakout board, FT232RL
FT232RQ encapsulated in USB cable. (On Sale again)
The neat feature of the FTDI FT232R series, you can selectively INVERT the serial lines, via FT_PROG utility,
This saves the need to use an inverter IC !!
I my update of a 1982 solution for an inverted serial interface --
I replaced a box (MAX232, 7404, DC regulator) & external power supply ---
with ONE Cable, costing less than $13 (when buying cable at $11) and using FT_PROG (invert 4 lines).