If your going to re-compile the code, I made some minor change to remove the warning from the orgional... I also added the support for the larger PIC32MX270 chip
Some minor change I made in ther code to fix complier warnings with XC32 1.32 to 1.34... ( it will NOT compile with ver 1.4 as Microchip has removed plib)
( i changed ver to 1.3a)
1) spelling error for Terminal in usb_descriptors.c
//Product string descriptor
ROM struct{BYTE bLength;BYTE bDscType;WORD string[14];}sd002={
{'V','i','d','e','o',' ','T','e','r','m','i','n','a','l'}
2) Added in preprocessor macro in Project Properties
3) changes all ISR to be of this format: (added IPLxAUTO)
In Keyboard.c
void __ISR( _EXTERNAL_3_VECTOR , ipl2AUTO) INT3Interrupt(void) {
In Main.c
void __ISR(_UART2_VECTOR, ipl3AUTO) IntUart2Handler(void) {
void __ISR( _TIMER_4_VECTOR, ipl1AUTO) T4Interrupt(void) {
4) Added code to support PIC32MX270xx (what I had on hand) in Terminal.h
// grab as much memory as possible for video and Rx buffers
#if (__32MX250F128B__)
#define BUFFER_SIZE (29820) // this should be the largest possible size allowed by the compiler/linker
#elif (__32MX270F256B__)
#define BUFFER_SIZE (56000)
5) changed all <p32xxxx.h> tobe <xc.h>
/* System include files */
#include <xc.h>
//#include <p32xxxx.h>
6) remove the linker scrip from the project...ie: let the IDE pick the correct one...