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Re: [N8VEM-S100:7670] Re: PIC32 Ascii Terminal

ASCII Terminal board

Just a note... The MCP1700-3.3 voltage regulator is a bit hard to find in ones junk box.. and its only rated at MAX Vin of 6V

You can use a 78L33 if your careful of the pin-out, only a slight rotation of the pins make this a viable option. Its also rated at a Vin of 30V, but be sure to watch thermal ratings at large Vin.
Look at data sheets for both part to validate pin rotation...

On Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Gary Kaufman <geka...@gmail.com> wrote:
David -

Jim Orchard is also in the UK (at least by his email address).

I purchased this PICkit3, but would tell you the ZIF board included was useless with the PIC32 (at least I couldn't get it working and there was Zero documentation).  The ICSP cable worked fine with a breadboard.

A bunch of vendors in Hong Kong or China have them for less than $15

I used the PICkit3 "Header with self power supply" on this site for actually burning.  I just set it up on a temporary breadboard and used an LM317 circuit and 9V battery.

Again, happy to burn them and include them in a shipment to Jim if he's ok with that.

- Gary

On 9/26/2015 3:19 PM, David Fry wrote:
Hi Gary,

good point,
can you post a link to the programmer you purchased on ebay ?

Also, I think I might be the only one in the UK



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Tom Lafleur