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Re: A windows based program to write a CPM3 image to a CF card for the S100 IDE board

Hello David and Dave,

Well, here is where I am in the boot process:

assembled a new loader -> placed on sector 1
assembled new sys -> placed on 128 thru 151
used same CCP from prior DFry system  -> placed on 152 thru 158
directory moved from 63 to 64

using the MasterZ80 Rom, when I boot I see everything up through the sign-on message but then no 'A>'.

looks like everything is fine up to the CCP.COM, but there is no other error reported.

Any suggestions?


On Thursday, June 19, 2014 1:41:07 AM UTC-4, David Fry wrote:
Hi Thomas,
you said "When you say 'move everything up by one' are you referring to loader 0 -> 1, sys 127 -> 128, directory 63 -> 64"
Yes, this is what I meant.
No, the AU entry values are the same and don't need changing because they are just a pointer to file location (in clusters of 4 sectors) referenced to the start of the Directory (sector 64)
David Fry

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:59:24 PM UTC+1, Thomas Owen wrote:
Hello David and Dave,
This has really been a very interesting project for me and I appreciate all the help and information you two have provided.
I have looked over the attachment and it seems very straightforward to making the changes I need.

Since I obviously can't wait, I will be working on this tomorrow and have a couple questions:
When you say 'move everything up by one' are you referring to loader 0 -> 1, sys 127 -> 128, directory 63 -> 64?
 What about all the AU designations in the directory?  Will they all shift up by one as well?

Thanks so much,