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Re: looking for an S-100 expert builder to build and test prototype board

Never mind on the 4164 - I misread they are 41464's which are 18pin.
Still would like answer on v9958 - they are 2.5 times cheaper than

On Dec 15, 12:52 pm, yoda <y....@r2d2.org> wrote:
> Hi Andrew
> I am a little confused when looking at the schematics and parts list.
> You are showing the 4164 as an 18 pin device but everywhere I look it
> is a 16 pin device - am I missing something?   Also can a v9958 be
> substituted as well?
> Dave
> On Dec 14, 5:50 am, lynchaj <lyn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > There is an S-100 board project that is ready for prototype build and
> > test but the project is "stuck in the mud" due to availability issues
> > (aka "real life") of the original design team.
> > Is there anyone who would like to take on a build and test of a rather
> > ambitious S-100 board?  The project I am referring to is the S-100 VDP
> > which is a video board based on the V9938/V9958 video display
> > processor.
> > This board has potential for greatly improved color graphics, 80
> > column text, etc using the latest of the VDPs which descended from the
> > original TMS9918.
> > I have a design schematic and PCB layout which is ready for prototype
> > build and test.  However it will stay on the "black board" until some
> > builder can make it a reality.
> > The design could even be extended to include audio (AY-3-8910 or
> > similar) once we get the video section working.  This would provide a
> > measure of MSX compatibility for the S-100 bus systems.  There is
> > quite a bit of stuff we can export from the N8VEM N8 "all in one"
> > project to this board to accelerate an improved design.
> > This board is deceptively simple looking but is not for the feint of
> > heart.  Video boards never are...
> > Anyone interested?  Thanks and have a nice day!
> > Andrew Lynch