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Re: S-100 6502 CPU poll

Hi John!  Thanks!  Yes, that does sound like a good idea for a V2
board.  Once we get this board out to the builders I suspect we'll see
a bunch of good ideas filter out.  For V2, I'd like the TMI circuitry
and some PHANTOM EPROM options.  Maybe a more selectable IO page?

As of tonight, we are at 14 boards for builders so I think we are well
on our way to getting this V1 board.  Rich mentioned he'd like to
investigate integrating on board SRAM and IO in the prototyping area.
I can see the V2 board going in different directions so having the
options to try alternatives and let them sort themselves out with the

This is really good news!  I can't wait to get these going!  Thanks
and have a nice day!

Andrew Lynch

On Nov 28, 12:18 pm, "John Monahan" <mon...@vitasoft.org> wrote:
> Andrew if I could add a little here. If we later do a master/slave V2 board
> we can easily have a software phantom in/out EPROM. Not only that, you can
> just  as easily have a upper/lower half 8K EPROM address.
> The phantom EPROM  circuit is actually on our Z80 CPU board (however the
> upper/lower half must be manually set with a jumper, next version -- if
> there ever is one is bring one of the port lines to that jumper).
> John
> John Monahan Ph.D
> 510-502-5890
> mon...@vitasoft.org
> -----Original Message-----
> From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On
> Behalf Of lynchaj
> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 8:38 AM
> To: N8VEM-S100
> Subject: [N8VEM-S100:514] Re: S-100 6502 CPU poll
> Hi Neil!  Thanks!
> You and Rich probably know more about the S-100 6502 CPU board theory of
> operations than anyone else.  As I recall, the IO space and EPROM must be in
> memory somewhere.  I don't think the EPROM can be switched out "on the fly"
> for a full 64K of SRAM like some Z80 and 8080 CPU
> boards can (N8VEM SBC V2).   I don't think that will be a problem
> though.
> Rather, I think you can deselect the onboard EPROM via jumper but you must
> have some way to bootstrap the system.  If not using the onboard EPROM
> you'll need an external EPROM board to start the 6502 CPU.  As you pointed
> out, the key to bootstrap is to set the vectors in high memory which usually
> means the onboard EPROM is in place.  We had similar issues on the ECB 6x0x
> host processor board.
> Probably we can improve this scheme quite a bit, however, my goal with this
> board is to capture the intent as best possible and get it out to the
> builders before the idea is lost forever.  Once the board exists we can make
> improvements and respin the PCB easily enough.  There is a rather large
> prototyping area specifically for builders to make their own tweaks and
> we'll see what good ideas filter out of it for V2.
> We've done at least three revisions of the S-100 IDE board as the concept is
> refined over time.
> My personal preference would be for the design to allow an "on the fly"
> reconfiguration of RAM/ROM to allow as much free RAM as possible after
> bootstrapping.  Maybe that's something we can add later in the
> V2 version.  However the IO page is probably not optional ever since it
> allows the 6502 CPU to communicate with the S-100 external IO devices.  I
> think we can make the existing design work.  At some point, the idea has to
> get off the blackboard and into reality if it is going to survive!
> I very much appreciate the effort you've already done.  Given what's
> happened so far, it is not an exaggeration to say you've literally saved the
> project!
> Thanks and have a nice day!
> Andrew Lynch
> On Nov 27, 5:22 pm, Neil Breeden <nbre...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > Yes, the Beta board has an 8 position DIP switch to set the 256 Byte
> > I/O block and the start of the on-board EPROM address. A8..A15 are
> > configurable via it.  I would assume the re-spin boards will follow
> > the same configuration design
> > Keep in mind however that the design works as follow:
> > If A8..A15 match the DIP switch setting then the P=Q output of the 74LS682
>  is LOW meaning that the current memory address is in the designated 'act as
> port I/O block'.
> > If A8..A15 are greater then the DIP switch setting then the P>Q output of
> the 74LS682 is LOW meaning that the on-board EPROM is enabled.
> > if both P=Q and P>Q are high then the system assumes RAM is being
> accessed. This means that if you set the DIP Switch to all 0s (all closed)
> the addresses 0000..00FF would be the I/O space, 0100-FFFF would be
> considered as ROM. There are some config jumpers that allow you to gate A11
> and A12 into the mix as well; I haven't used these.
> > The onboard EPROM is laid out for a 2732. As the 6502 at reset jumps to
> the RESET vector address (found at addresses FFFE and FFFF) you will
> typically want to have EPROM in upper memory so the RESET vector is not
> volatile. Assuming you need the full 4K for the EPROM (F000..FFFF) you would
> jumper the I/O space at EF00 resulting in I/O at bytes EF00..EFFF then the
> EPROM mapped at F000..FFFF.
> > With I/O at F800 (DIP Switch set to F8) it places the I/O space at
> F800..F8FF, EPROM is then enabled at F900..FFFF which become physical EPROM
> address 900..FFF, EPROM bytes 000..8FF are not accessible. This is neat way
> of allowing you to only use the amount of EPROM needed (up to 4K) freeing up
> as much RAM as possible. Note that when I program a 2732 for the board I end
> out outputting a BIN file from the assembler; then when I load it into the
> programmer I manually offset it by 900 (option in my programmer software),
> If I use Intel HEX files the offset doesn't work; I am assuming because the
> actual load addresses in the EPROM are in the HEX file.
> > It took me a few days to wrap my head around this as it's different from
> the 8080 and Z-80 CPU cards I'm used too.
> > -Neil
> > On Nov 24, 2011, at 2:33 PM, lynchaj wrote:
> > > Hi
> > > Yes, the IO and ROM space is selectable.  However the ROM monitor
> > > code is designed to have the IO at $F800-$F8FF and the ROM at
> > > $F900-$FFFF
> > > Of course you can adjust it with your own code or modify the source
> > > as you see fit.
> > > The documentation, schematic, PCB layout, and ROM monitor code, etc
> > > are on the N8VEM wiki here
> > >http://n8vem-sbc.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewFolder¶m=S-100%20...
> > > Neil was able to get the Apple I software to run on the S-100 6502
> > > CPU board and it worked well.
> > > There is a large prototyping area too so if you want to include your
> > > own TMI circuitry that's possible and/or your own IO devices.
> > > Once you get it working though please send the schematic back to me
> > > so I can roll those changes into the S-100 6502 CPU V2 board.
> > > I am trying to gauge whether to do a run of PCBs with this version
> > > or wait until all the features are included.  The wait for V2 will
> > > likely be months though.
> > > Thanks and have a nice day!
> > > Andrew Lynch
> > > On Nov 24, 4:55 pm, "j....@cimmeri.com" <j....@cimmeri.com> wrote:
> > >> Can that address space start address be made selectable?
> > >> lynchaj wrote:
> > >>> Hi
> > >>> More information on the S-100 6502 CPU board
> > >>> The S-100 6502 as a specific range ($F800-$F8FF) of memory mapped
> > >>> to the S-100 IO space.  You can use standard S-100 IO boards like
> > >>> normal which you access by sending the 6502 to a specific range in
> memory.
> > >>> It works amazingly well and you can use the regular S-100
> > >>> peripheral boards like Serial IO, etc.
> > >>>http://n8vem-sbc.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewFolder¶m=S-100%20...
> > >>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgFUeJdO7-E
> > >>> Thanks and have a nice day!
> > >>> Andrew Lynch- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -