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RE: [N8VEM-S100:912] oscilloscope recommendation

FWIW, I have both the USBee SXC and Saleae systems here. Either one is excellent.


The interface on the Saleae is definitely nicer (smooth/polished) . One thing I like about it. You can initiate a tracking by transition pulses on more than one line simultaneously.   However its drawback is poor ability to get a hard copy printout of the screen picture.


The USBee is better at this (still not great) but you can trigger on only one line at a time.


Customer service at Saleae is outstanding  (e-mail), never really checked out USBee.





From:  John Monahan Ph.D

e-mail: mon...@vitasoft.org

Text:    mon...@txt.att.net


From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Max Scane
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:28 PM
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:912] oscilloscope recommendation


I have use the USBee SX.  It was essential when I was debugging my SD Card driver.


It work quite well as a logic analyser and oscilliscope however, I think the software is Windows only.





On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 6:49 AM, Douglas Goodall <douglas...@mac.com> wrote:

Mike is absolutely right on recommending the Saleae Analyser.

I have one and it is a joy to use. The software runs both on Windows and on the Mac
and it is very intuitive. When I was bringing up my last several computers, I used it

It has an RS232 serial analyser mode that can auto baud rate detect, which is very
useful in the early stages of debugging.

There are cheaper ones, but in terms of  quality and  stability, the Saleae gets my vote.

Good call Mike.


On Jul 10, 2012, at 8:29 AM, mike wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Are you sure you want a scope and not a logic analyzer?
> A pretty good, and modestly priced logic analyzer
> http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8938
> http://www.saleae.com/logic/
> The software can run in demo mode so you can test drive before you buy.
> I find I use my logic analyzer far more often than I use my scope.
> Of course there are times when you need an analog scope. Personally I
> have a antique Tektronix RM 565 ( like this one -
> http://www.wrljet.com/tektronix/RM565/565_01_RJP.jpg ) that I keep
> wishing will die so I can get something new (and weighs less than 50
> pounds), but the darned thing just keeps going, and I have a spare CRT
> and vertical amp module, so I'll probably die before it will.
> - --Mike
> On 07/10/2012 12:59 AM, norwestrzh wrote:
>> My old scope was sold by JDR (San Jose, CA.).  It was cheaply made
>> (in Korea), and that is why I could afford it.  It was 35 MHz, dual
>> trace.  Probably had way more capability than I'd ever need.  I
>> would be using a scope to troubleshoot the S-100 cards produced by
>> John and Andrew.  Probably 10 to 12 MHz would be the fastest signal
>> I'd ever be looking at.  For example, I was trying to get the ZFDC
>> card working.  The enables on the two bus interface LS244s (U16 and
>> U25) remained high during I/O even though the LS682 (U23) and the
>> LS139 (U19) appeared to be working as expected (using a logic
>> probe).  I tracked this problem back to the LS32 (U20).  The two
>> inputs to the gate were wiggling (as expected), but the output
>> remained high.  The chip was OK, so I was going to look at the
>> relative timings of the two inputs.  That's when my scope died.
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Douglas Goodall
Santa Maria, CA

"Even a blind pig finds a truffle now and then" oink oink!!