Yes. It might make sense to actually try and combine the RAM+ROM and a serial port on one board. The thing that is using up real estate on the REPROM board is trying to have a lot of flexibility on the one board with addressing over the 16MG range 8 bit ROM’s as well as FLASH etc. If we could agree on a priority list working down the list I can squeeze more on, I think. Andrew has worked wonders these days getting stuff on S-100 boards (e.g. 80386!). BTW an “IOBYTE” port is very useful when doing configuration options, may want to consider that as well. We have it on the SMB but not here. John From: [] On Behalf Of Douglas Goodall John, From where I stand, a Zeta type system is the closest we can come with several of the S100COMPUTERS boards to a configuration similar to the Zeta. 512Kram 512Krom, serial port for Console, and CF for persistent storage. I am seeking a baseline version, generated from a fork of the RomWBW BIOS and applications. With storage media transportability to SBC V2, Zeta, and N8. Once we have that baseline, we can evaluate and prioritize supporting other S100COMPUTERS boards. Does that answer the question John? Douglas On Dec 6, 2012, at 10:34 AM, John Monahan <> wrote: Tom what is a “Zeta type system”? John From: [] On Behalf Of Tom Lafleur Doug and I are working on a version of the ROMwbw CPM that will require an updated rom-ram board. This will be a Zeta type system. So I hope we can get a new one in the que. ~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~ Sent from my Phone