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Re: [N8VEM-S100:6743] Re: CCS 2810 CPU Rom

Wow! Speaking of Cromemco Bytesaver....

So I'm pretty excited to have this spare CPU with a ROM monitor. I set it up to run in a front panel Imsai with an vector graphics 8k ram board. Got that going so I have the ROM and the front panel for debugging. And funny you should mention it but this afternoon after getting that ROM burnt and the CCS cpu up on the Imsai I dug around and found a Cromemco 8k Bytesaver successfully addressing it and reading a 2708 from it.

Do you have some .asm or .hex that might be a good starting point for me to see if I can burn Eproms in the ByteSaver? 

c ya...  - jeffa

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 6:44:45 PM UTC-7, Bob Bell wrote:

Yes, I ran a hacked up version of Cromemco ZM1 a number of years ago.  The major hacks include:

                Duel console drivers (2810 serial and/or my Fulcrum Intelligent Video board)

                Removed code to program 2708 EPROMs on the Cromemco Bytesaver

                Added a boot loader to boot CP/M from disk

In fact, my monitor boot ROM is still a VERY much modified Cromemco ZM1.  But it no longer runs on the 2810.  Instead, it runs on my memory board, but the effect is still the same.  I guess I could move it back to the 2810 if I wanted, but it’s happy on the memory board.


At one time, I was trying to move as much of my CP/M BIOS into ROM, and this would have been a super-enhanced ROM.  But I pretty much gave up on the idea when I built my memory board with battery-backed RAM (CP/M can run from power-on without booting it from disk.)  And then I built the N8VEM CF-IDE board and came to the realization that getting it to work in CP/M 2.2 was going to be difficult.  CP/M 3 would be a much better approach.  So, now I’m working on building a CP/M 3 system, and this is just not conducive to ROMMING much of the code.


Bob Bell



From: n8ve...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Albrecht
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:27 PM
To: n8ve...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:6743] Re: CCS 2810 CPU Rom


On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 1:30:30 PM UTC-7, Jeff Albrecht wrote:

In my drawers I found


TMS2716C - apparently not supported by GQ-4X

AM2716DC - Looks to be supported by GQ-4X as 'AM2716'

AM2732A-2DC - I found a setting for 'AM2732A' I wonder what the 2DC, missing from GQ device id, means?




I programmed the AM2716DC with the GQ setting of 'AM2716'. It didn't pass verify but it looked like it had programmed. I put it in the newly acquired CCS 2810 cpu board, powered up and taped return a couple times. Got the Moss 2.2 signon.


Found a couple 2716A at Futurlec this is a 200ns device http://www.futurlec.com/cgi-bin/search/qty_price.cgi?part_no=2716A-200. Any other suggestions where to buy? I'm often told to stay away from eBay... ???


Bob, have you ever run a different or enhanced capability ROM on your CCS 2810s? 


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