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PropMDA IBM MDA Compatible Graphics Concept


I've been brainstorming about ways to get an IBM PC-compatible display going with readily available parts.  Either to use with the SBC-188 (or a modified version thereof), or the S-100 MS-DOS Support Board + 8088 board.

I think I've come up with a concept that would allow the Propeller to be used in an IBM MDA-compatible configuration.

This is not the "holy grail" of having a VGA or SVGA adapter but I think it would be a good starting point as far as running a subset of MS-DOS programs that manipulate the text buffer directly.

Anyway let me know if it looks like this has any kind of merit.

I have some more ideas in this direction involving a real dual port RAM PLCC chip + the Propeller that might actually make CGA all-points-accessible graphics possible as well but I am still doing some calculations to see if the Propeller can handle it with "all cogs firing".

Andrew B.

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