Yes, I am going to go price things out this week... I've got my fingers crossed and I'm hoping to be able to produce the boards for a little less to make up for higher shipping costs. Shipping in Canada is a rip off compared to the USA.
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 04:43:04 -0500
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:2401] Re: Board Run: Unbuffered Prototyping
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.comAdditional pair of stand-off holes great idea! +1I haven't been keeping close count, but it's now looking like a "standard' run of 30'ish boards would fit your guidelines. We seem to be closing in on 20 commitments, aside from whatever your desires may be.
Thanks for the "OMO" explanation! I'm not a gamer, although I do agree with the rest of the OMO credo :->.On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Crusty OMO <> wrote:
Trained? Yes, I can now roll over and I do a pretty good "fetch" too.
Life time buy is good, the thing with these boards and why I'm not worried to build a lot of them, is they can be used for any project. You can ignore the S-100 bus, mount a regulator and go. I'm planning on adding two more holes on the bottom 2 corners, so regular standoffs can be used to mount the board.
OMO? That is for my old "Clan" name from my days of playing Homeworld. Stands for "Old Men Online". The clan is still around, I don't participate much anymore, but they are mature gamers that have earned a good reputation in the gaming community. But watch out for "CrankyOMO", he can be a little impatient at times. Google Old Men Online, you'll find their web page.
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 10:16:12 -0500
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:2396] Re: Board Run: Unbuffered Prototyping
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.comAll "trained" Josh ::->?Thanks. May one inquire (and get a reply :->) as to the acronym expansion for "OMO"?
Anyway ... I've decided to stock up along with Steven. Please list me for 7 boards, which for me ought to definitely be a lifetime-supply .... grabbing for the gusto (well) in advance!
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Crusty OMO <> wrote:
Thanks Matt.
I'm going to verify pricing first, once I know the exact the cost, I'll announce it to the group.
I expect shipping to be more, but I hope to get a cheaper price for the board. Then we need to guess the exchange rate.
Subject: RE: [N8VEM-S100:2389] Re: Board Run: Unbuffered Prototyping
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 18:40:27 -0500
Please put me down for two (2) boards. I'll keep them just in case. Let me know who to wire the Paypal to.
Matt Turner
Subject: RE: [N8VEM-S100:2388] Re: Board Run: Unbuffered Prototyping
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 23:28:28 +0000
Thanks for chiming in Steven, ok, then it's settled. I am in a training course this week, but I can start the process of production next week.
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 14:58:50 -0800
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:2388] Re: Board Run: Unbuffered Prototyping
I live in northern Virginia. I am interesting to purchase 6 unbuffered prototyping board for this coming March due to my restricted budget. I am not surprise about many people may not interesting to buy the prototyping boards because of tremendous expensive to buy wirewarp equipment nowadays.
Secondly, I am still thinking about drilling/milling machine (see eBay and search for 3020 desktop router engraver drilling/milling engraving machine cnc. Also, see NOTE: should have large clear plexiglass enclosure to avoid fiberglass dust into lungs. The only disadvantage about this method that have lack of vias (between layers. It may need to solder both sides as much as like old days with Tarbell Cassette Interface board.
This will be great for prototyping work???
On Saturday, February 8, 2014 2:49:12 AM UTC-5, pbirkel wrote:Thanks,Can I get commitments on board counts from interested folks, please?I'd be willing to serve as "trail boss" if there's sufficient interest. Andrew did offer to get me started last week, but I still await sufficient interest ...Josh: Both Steven Feinsmith and myself have recently expressed interest in a run of the unbuffered prototyping board. I have brought this topic up several times over the past year or so (most recently 2-3 weeks ago, without response) but there's been insufficient interest (borderline none) and I haven't had sufficient immediate need to strike out on my own with a run of only a few much-more-expensive boards. I'd like to see us get the volume up to the point that we approach/reach the $20 per-board cost, but that means at least 20 boards. I'm not sure that each of us wants 7 boards ... but three interested parties is certainly better than just one :->.I'm located in Maryland; not sure where Steven is located. I gather that CA-US shipping cost is asymmetric -- here-to-there is cheaper than there-to-here?
On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Crusty OMO <> wrote:
Hi Group,
I am thinking of helping out and doing a board run. I was planning on doing the unbuffered prototype board, but Andrew thought someone else here may already have that in motion? First, let me start by saying I'm in Canada, so it may be a little more costly to ship to the US, but internationally it might not make any difference.
Can we hear a vote of which boards to build, and a show of hands who might want to build them?
I don't want to organize the group... but with a little communication I believe we can organize ourselves.
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