Josh: Both Steven Feinsmith and myself have recently expressed interest in a run of the unbuffered prototyping board. I have brought this topic up several times over the past year or so (most recently 2-3 weeks ago, without response) but there's been insufficient interest (borderline none) and I haven't had sufficient immediate need to strike out on my own with a run of only a few much-more-expensive boards. I'd like to see us get the volume up to the point that we approach/reach the $20 per-board cost, but that means at least 20 boards. I'm not sure that each of us wants 7 boards ... but three interested parties is certainly better than just one :->.
I'm located in Maryland; not sure where Steven is located. I gather that CA-US shipping cost is asymmetric -- here-to-there is cheaper than there-to-here?
I'd be willing to serve as "trail boss" if there's sufficient interest. Andrew did offer to get me started last week, but I still await sufficient interest ...