Hi Douglas! Thanks! Let me consider this idea. Thanks and have a nice day! From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Douglas Goodall Andrew, Thanks for elucidating on the situation. I don't know how many S-100 builders we have, but I wonder if each of us might be willing to donate $20 to the backplane fund, not as a pre-order, but rather as an effort to allow you to keep some stock on hand, seeing as how none of the S-100 boards can be used stand-alone. Other boards such as memory boards are somewhat a different animal. It does make me wonder though what we would see if we sorted the list of boards descending by number sold, to se which ones have the widest appeal, and may deserve the same treatment. Respectfully, Douglas On Feb 10, 2013, at 7:12 AM, Andrew Lynch <LYN...@YAHOO.COM> wrote: Hi Douglas! Thanks! The margin on S-100 boards is almost non-existent and if I have unsold boards I go “upside down” on the order. S-100 PCB reorders without changes helps a bit because it avoids tooling fees which explains why I am so reluctant to make changes which affect the drill file. With ECB boards there is a bit more margin but even with those I’ve gotten into trouble and have had to take drastic steps to mitigate the losses. Fortunately there have been some steadfast sponsors and patrons of the N8VEM home brew computing project that have basically kept it afloat. Without them this project would have crashed and burned months if not years ago. It is not a viable business model. It’s a passion! Thanks and have a nice day! From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem-s1...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Douglas Goodall Paul, I have been working towards a port o the RomWBW to the S-100 platform using John's boards. Tom and I have Rom/Ram/Flash boards, modded for 512KRAM and 512K EEPROM. Other likely interested candidates have the 4MB board and are asking for support for that as well. Both the memory boards, and the S-100 back-plane are way down on the list and there is no telling when these will happen. Andrew suggested maybe the S-100 backplane would be re-ordered late in the summer. All of the various processor options need backplane support and most require memory support as well. It seems to me that there should always be backplanes and memory boards on hand because they are critical for any S-100 activity. Thoughts? Douglas On Feb 10, 2013, at 1:04 AM, Paul Birkel <pbi...@gmail.com> wrote: Looking at the numbers for the S-100 EPROM PCB, I'd say that a reorder may not happen in this decade (I'm not going to claim "never" but that's a possibility)?
-- --- Douglas Goodall, http://goodall.com Note: I don't use messenger, or skype, or facebook, chat programs in general. Having always-on open communication links through massive public servers I don't have control over seems like too much of an invitation to be infected by a virus or bot. It is bad enough that my Mac wants to stay in periodic contact with Apple's cloud. Skype was tempting before Microsoft bought them. There have been too many examples of remote session links being abused by vendor employees. Even "back to my mac" makes me nervous. There was a recent episode where Apple cooperated with a social engineer and compromised someone's entire electronic persona. If you want to speak with me, calling me on the phone works well, and you don't have to wonder if the electronic mail got through or not. When I say "Hello, this is Doug", you know who you are talking to. Just in case you were curious. -- -- --- Douglas Goodall, http://goodall.com Note: I don't use messenger, or skype, or facebook, chat programs in general. Having always-on open communication links through massive public servers I don't have control over seems like too much of an invitation to be infected by a virus or bot. It is bad enough that my Mac wants to stay in periodic contact with Apple's cloud. Skype was tempting before Microsoft bought them. There have been too many examples of remote session links being abused by vendor employees. Even "back to my mac" makes me nervous. There was a recent episode where Apple cooperated with a social engineer and compromised someone's entire electronic persona. If you want to speak with me, calling me on the phone works well, and you don't have to wonder if the electronic mail got through or not. When I say "Hello, this is Doug", you know who you are talking to. Just in case you were curious. -- |