Hi Bob,
you can obtain any module footprints you need from an existing design.
Go to the S100 Computers website and download the KiCad design files for the CF/IDE V3 board (for example) and unpack them to a folder.
Open the design in Kicad and then open PCBnew to view the board.
From here you can export a footprint to an existing library or to a standalone file by :-
1) right click desired component footprint and select > component footprint > Edit with ModEdit, (this will open the module editor)
2) if you have your own footprint library then open the 'current library' from the file menu and then save the displayed module in this library by clicking the button for
save module in active library.
3) If you don't have your own library then you can just export the component footprint (module) to a .mod file by clicking on the 'export module' button on the toolbar.
you will need to move the .mod file to your target project folder and add the module file (.mod) to the list of footprint libraries in PCBNew via the Preferences > Library option.
One this is done then the footprint should then appear in the CVPcb list where you associate a schematic symbol with a PCB module.
If the above is not clear then give me a shout, but the best way to pick this stuff up is by playing around with ModEdit and Component Library editor (In EESchema)
David Fry
btw. Johns multi regulator footprint is 2 or 3 footprints stacked on top one another as they are multiple components in EESchema
On Saturday, October 3, 2015 at 12:10:26 PM UTC+1, Bob Bell wrote:
Good morning group,
I have been searching now for ½ hour and cannot find a footprint in the KiCAD v4 library for a TO-3 case semiconductor (typical LM323K).
Is it actually there, and I keep missing it? If so, please point it out to me.
If it isn’t there, do you have a footprint for TO-3 that you would be willing to share?
Also, a few days ago I posted a message in regards to an S-100 edge fingers footprint (not the edge connector, but the component that creates the edge fingers on the board).
I got one response, but it didn’t work. Is there anyone else with a confirmed functional S-100 edge fingers footprint they would be willing to share?
Thanks for your help!
Bob Bell