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Re: Z80 CPU board setup issue

It works!!!!

Thanks to all of you. It turns out that I had the jumpers messed up. 

On Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 10:41:45 PM UTC-4, hl...@aol.com wrote:
Hi everyone. I just finished building the Z80 board and I am having some problems, so I am hoping that some of you have some ideas.

My system is the following:
V2-S100 Z80 Master CPU board
4Meg static RAM board
Prop I/O board

I have the Z80 board jumpered as master. I also have a simple switch for reset. The RAM board is set for 1Meg only at 0000H.

After power has been applied and reset issued the following conditions exist:

On the Z80 board the 'BUS Master' LED (D8) turns on along with the 'LOW ROM' and 'ROM SEL' LED's
On the RAM board the 'BS' and 'R0' LED's light up. Also the 8bit read LED and the 8bit write LED turn on.
Unfortunately nothing happens on the screen connected to the prop I/O

I have attached a picture.

I tried to follow the table for the Z80 board jumpers and basically followed the examples.

My main concern initially was the ROM monitor program. The only program available for downloading is version 5.02 which uses two 4K pages. I am using a uv erasable 27C64 instead of the eerom 28C64 that is shown on the S100COMPUTERS website.
I compiled the program as described and generated the master.com file, but when I loaded this file onto my eprom burner the code did not match the listing! I set the transfer to the buffer at F000H. However, the HEX file looked okay, so I used that. Not sure that is right- I haven't burner roms for many years.

So If anyone has any ideas or comments that would be great. I am up for any suggestions.